: Blog items

Year 6 Photographs

Date: 25th Jul 2024 @ 10:45am

Happy holidays... Here are the photographs in files of the lovely year 6 pupils past and present. They will only be available until September. Thank you for all your support over the year. Mrs Bennett (Miss Thornton)

NEM celebration of learning

Date: 19th Jul 2024 @ 2:47pm

This morning Nursery shared their learning with their grown-ups. Parents were invited into class to review their child's Guided Draw books and Connected-Curriculum books and look at what their child has learned and achieved this year. The children also sang the song 'Try Everything' to their audience and danced to the rhythm. 

When I asked the children why their grown-ups came to school they said:

"To watch our performance" "They came to look at our red books" "They looked at our Guided-Draw pictures"


Well done Nursery!

Is it coming home?

Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 2:12pm

Today we have made football hats and flags so we can cheer on England Men's Football during the final of Euro 2024. We are so excited! We still believe!

Click on the link to hear our good luck message:




Football's coming home!

Date: 12th Jul 2024 @ 11:06am

Today in Nursery we have made red and white England flags and hats to celebrate England making it to the EURO 2024 final. 

We learned the "3 Lions" song and discussed what football is and what happens during the competition. We hope you enjoy our photos and our photos of us practising our football skills last week with Zahra.



Naughty lemur!

Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 3:48pm

After starting our new book How To Lose a Lemur, we got a new friend in class: a lemur! Our lemur is going on a new journey soon to the year 1 classrooms and he has been feeling a bit worried. We have written some letters to make him feel better and we are now working on planning a lemur party for him.

While we have been party planning, the lemur has been doing naughty things when the classroom is empty. He has been on Miss K's whiteboard, hanging from the ceiling, making a mess in the reading area, and writing notes to us. To catch him in the act, Miss K planted some secret cameras and caught the lemur in the act of stealing our party invitations to read! Check out the video below. 

Where will the lemur be tomorrow? We don't know!



Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 2:31pm

In Computing this half term we have been learning about what data is and how it can be collected. We linked it to our science learning about the different groups of animals. We created a table with animal names and went into Reception to collect the data by asking children what their favourite animal was from our list. We used a website called 'Sketchpad' to create some pictograms to show the data we collected about Reception children's favourite animals. It was a little trickier creating the pictogram using the program but we persevered and tried out best!

Bubble Maths

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 1:59pm

This week the children will be combining their knowledge of colour mixing with number and size when completing Bubble Maths challenges. Adults station themselves at each challenge and the children choose which they access. 

  1. Bubble Machine Race to 5 - Ready, steady, go. Pop 5 bubbles.
  2. Popping Bubbles Counting - Blow bubbles to settle into the water tray. When one pops count it. How many bubbles were there? 
  3. Bubble Colour Mixing Counting - Create new colours with paint and bubble mixture by blowing into the yellow/blue or red/yellow or blue/ red paint. Lay paper on top. How many bubbles can you count? 
  4. Biggest Bubble - insert own straw into a large container of pre blown bubble mixture. Who can make the biggest bubble?


We decided there were too many bubbles to count on challenge 3 because there were loads! We popped more than 5 bubbles in challenge 1. One of the children said they popped 100! (I'm not sure that's quite how many they popped lol)



Rainbow Magic

Date: 2nd Jul 2024 @ 1:53pm

Yesterday we experimented mixing colours to create a rainbow. We had cups, food colouring, strips of paper and water. We sang along with Jack Hartmann's rainbow song and then tried to work out how we could create a rainbow of colours. We only had red, yellow and blue. We know how to mix these colours together but this time we wanted the rainbow to mix from one cup to th next. It was very exciting watching the colour soak up the paper strips but then it stopped! We have been wetting the paper today to see if that helps. So far there is no rainbow but don't worry, we have another idea to try tomorrow. 

Sing along with Jack Hartmann here:



Grouping animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Date: 29th Jun 2024 @ 6:22pm

In science this half term we have been learning about animals. We have learnt which animals belong in the five main animal groups - reptiles, mammals, fish, birds and amphibians. We learnt about the vocabulary carnivores, omnivores and herbivores. We did some research to find out the meaning of each word and used an identification key to learn about some animals in each group. We played GAS (Go and Stand) by listening to some animal names and clues to identify whether they were a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. In pairs we did some grouping using a Venn diagram to find out which animals were from each group. In our science books we recorded some animals that were carnivores, herbivores and omnivores in our own Venn diagram using pictures and labels. 

Art with Mrs McAffer Part 2!

Date: 29th Jun 2024 @ 6:10pm

It's a busy couple of weeks in 1AI! Two weeks ago we finised our collage project with Mrs McAffer. We used animal templates to draw around using our patterned backgrounds from the previous week. We used out cutting skills to cut out each fish part carefully to create some fish collages. They looked fantastic! 

Den building with Stuart

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 3:24pm

Nursery had a lovely Friday afternoon in the garden with Stuart. They used some tarpaulin and pegs to make a den to hide from the rain. It poured down with rain but the den the children worked together to make kept them safe and dry. The children were very excited when they got to wear their special gardening hats. Well done Nursery - great teamwork! 

Viking Britain

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 1:52pm

What a busy half term it has been so far. In year 4, we have begun learning all about the Vikings. We spent our afternoon yesterday learning what life would have been like in Viking Britain. We had 5 areas of life to explore. We compared Viking life with Maya society and found that both societies had a social structure.

We read primary and secondary sources which inlcuded primary and secondary sources! Have a look at the posters we created. 

Don't forget that a week on Wednesday (10th July) is the KS2 performance and if you'd like a ticket, please speak to Mrs Thewlis. 

Viking Life!

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 10:42am

In our history lesson, we embarked on an exciting exploration of Viking life. Each group delved into a specific aspect of Viking society, researching and presenting on topics such as the structure of Viking society, the role of women, the design of their houses, the roles of various people, and the laws that governed them.

The childrenalso learned how to evaluate primary and secondary sources, enhancing their critical thinking skills and deepening their understanding of historical research. This hands-on approach not only enriched their knowledge of Viking culture but also developed their teamwork and presentation skills. It was a fantastic opportunity to present to the class and share their discoveries with enthusiasm and creativity.

Have a look at the attached pictures and have a lovely weekend! 

New creative corner!

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 4:18pm

We have some exciting news in Reception: a new creative corner! The creative corner is for making different kinds of creations and art using junk modelling materials. It has been filled up with pom poms, glitter, glue and tape, ribbons, paint, googly eyes, split pins, and more. We even added some cool books that explain the steps to making different creations, like a toilet roll shark or a big princess castle! We have been loving it so far and are so excited to see what else we can make! Check out some of our cool creations below.

Fabulous learning in Year 3

Date: 20th Jun 2024 @ 11:12am

Year 3 have worked incredibly hard over the last couple of weeks!

In writing, they have written their own, rhyming poems. They then invited their families to school, where they shared their poems in their very own poetry read! The children showed great performance skills, and were able to speak aloud to large groups. They had worked very hard on perfecting their poems, and were extremely proud of what they had produced.

In geography, year 3 have been learning all about erosion. They explored different types of coastlines, as well as the process of erosion. They then used a range of building materials, to demonstrate the process of erosion. When explaining the process, they used the language: cave, arch, stack and stump.



NEM school trip

Date: 18th Jun 2024 @ 3:34pm

NEM had a wonderful time on their trip to Let us Play Little Town. We went on a big yellow double decker bus to the venue, played in lots of different role play areas including an ice cream shop, garden centre, post office, cafe and lots more! They enjoyed an exciting story-telling session, where they listened to Goldilocks and the Three Bears and got to enjoy a morning snack and take part in some craft activities too. The children were very well behaved and had lots of fun. Well done Nursery!

Glider Competition

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 10:06am

This morning we held a glider competition in the astrocourt as one of our Friday Challenges. We all got the chance the throw the glider and the person who threw it the furthest was the winner. Some of our attempts ended up with nose dives lol. Afterwards, we chased after the glider that Mrs Ganner threw. "It kept on flying and it went under the fence!"  "It flew so far away." "It's wonderful!"  "It's great"  "It was so much fun" the children told us. 

Our winner held the glider as we all cheered. 


Art with Mrs McAffer

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 9:59am

On Tuesday we worked with Mrs McAffer to start our next art project with her. This time we linked it with our science learning all about animals. Our project is inspired by the work of an artist called Clare Youngs.

This week we created some mark making skills using different tools such as oil pastels, pens, printing and paint dashes on large sheets of paper. Next week we will choose an animal and draw around and cut the different animal parts using our paper with the different marks we created this week to create a collage of an animal. 


Great Science Share!

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 9:42am

On Tuesday a group of Year 3 and 4 children attended an event called the 'Great Science Share' at the University of Salford. It was an opportunity for 34 school's around Greater Manchester to gather and share their science investigations to each other. Each school had a stall which they used to share their investigation to the visitiors walking around the hall. We also got an opportunity to go and visit the other schools' stalls to listen and learn about their science investigations. The Lord Mayor of Salford attended as well as some professors from the University of Salford and Manchester who were going around the stalls quizzing the children about their investigations. 

Ferdows and Ayaan in Year 4 even got chosen to cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony of the event! It such an amazing opportunity for the children who were in awe of the actual building! I am hoping to attend this event each year! 

Enjoy looking at the photographs and video! 

Mrs Iqbal 

We love you

Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 11:17am

Today we have been creating some very special cards. Some of us live with our Dads. Some of us don't live with our Dads. Some of us don't have a Daddy but we all have one special man who we love and this is a song for them. Click the link to hear us sing

You Are My Sunshine


Exploring London!

Date: 10th Jun 2024 @ 5:11am

What a busy start to the final half term in Year 1!

Our last topic question is called 'What is in the United Kingdom?' To begin this topic we started to think about our new text that we will be using for our reading and writing sessions for the next few weeks. The story is called Katie in London who visits lots of the famous landmarks around the city on top of one of the lions in Trafalgar Square. After reading the story and learning the names of the landmarks Katie visited, we started to explore them by doing activities like:

*creating some of the landmarks using construction and small world toys.

*reading some non-fiction books about London in the reading area.

*finding the landmark names on a wordsearch.

*cutting and sticking the landmarks on a map of London.

*using our drawing skills to draw some of the landmarks thinking about the use of lines and shapes. 

Our writing outcome for this story will be writing a recount of the places that Katie went to visit in London. 

Here is a link to the story Katie in London to listen to at home: Katie in London 🦁 (youtube.com)

Bring your own book!

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 3:38pm

We have been pleasantly surprised in Reception this week with some very special stories! Some friends had the brilliant idea to bring in some of their favourite books from home to share with the class. What started as one book being brought in each day has quickly turned into three books brought in to read on Friday! It is great to see everyone excited to share their books from home. Looking forward to seeing some more soon!


Terrific Transport Day

Date: 3rd Jun 2024 @ 2:52pm

Today in Nursery Mrs Ganner's class were learning about journeys and transport. This morning we explored lots of enhancements to our environment that had a transport theme or linked to an amazing book called 'The Flying Bath'. 

This afternoon we experimented with different junk modelling bottles and boxes, to find out what would happen if we used them as boats. We discovered that some materials aren't very good to use as boats. "Cardboard breaks and it goes squishy." We liked the plastic containers because they all floated but we found out that if you fill a bottle up with water it sinks because it's so heavy. Can you experiment at home to find things from around the house that would float? If you do, send a photo in to nursery@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk 

We also tried to find as many ways as possible to move around the outdoor area - can you see us pushing pedals, sliding, bouncing and walking? How do you travel to school? Do you transport yourself on your legs or do you come to school in a different way?

Have fun being scientists and finding out about transport at home!

Roman Visitor!

Date: 25th May 2024 @ 2:11pm

On Monday, year 3 had an exciting, Roman visitor!

At first, we were all very confused as the Roman was speaking to us in Latin and we had no idea what was going on. He even thought we were barbarians! 

But we soon learnt that he had travelled from Rome with his tent and materials, and was here to teach us all about Ancient Rome. We were able to try on Roman armour, wash our arms with olive oil, taste soup and bread as well as touch real artefacts that were over 2,000 years old. 

Our favourite part of the day, was trying the marching exercises, where we worked as a team to link our shields and defend ourselves against the year 3 adults as well as the other year 3 class. 

It was an amazing, educational day that we are sure to never forget!

Caterpillar to Butterfly

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 3:37pm

For our Science topic this term 'Living things and their habitats' the children have grouped living things, classified a vertebrate, classified invertebrates, created classification keys recognised positive and negative changes in the local environment and researched endangered species. Throughout this time,  the caterpillars have slowly turned into butterflies that we have released in the school garden. Have a look at the attached pictures! 

Have a good rest over the holidays but don't forget to practice your times tables for the upcoming MTC. 


‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
