Year 2AH 2024 - 2025
Welcome to 2AH
Class Teacher: Miss Hindle
Teaching Assistant: Mrs Cooper
Welcome to 2AH! I'm Miss Hindle and I'm very excited to be your teacher this year. Mrs Cooper and I will be working hard to ensure that this is a fun and enjoyable learning year for your child. Please do not hesitate to discuss anything with us, we are here to listen and value all of the children in our class.
This year we are working hard to develop our reading, writing and mathematics skills. We will be learning exciting new topics in our Connected Curriculum learning, and we will be working with Mrs McAffer to develop our art skills. We will be taking part in a lot of physical activities both indoors and outdoors and we will work with The Manchester City Coach who will help us to develop a range of balls skills as part of the P.E curriculum.
Reading Books
Your child will be given a reading book and a reading record. You will need to bring your child's book back in everyday. Your child's book will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. Your child also has a book banded book in school and will get an opportunity to read it each day. It is important that your child reads his/her book EVERY night. Your child will then be able to practise their phonics skills and use different reading strategies E.g. using picture cues, phonic cues, and grammatical knowledge to help them become fluent readers. When they have read their book there is a space in the Reading Record Book for you to say how they found the book, which bits they did well with and with bits they found difficult.
A list of spellings will be given out at the end of each half term. As part of their homework on a Friday the children will be given six spellings to learn. They and will be asked to use a range of spelling strategies to learn how to spell the new words in readiness for a spelling test each Friday. Children will receive certificates for practising their spellings at home.
Library Books
Your child will have an opportunity to visit the library and choose a book each week. The book they choose is completely of their own choice. The books will be kept in school in their tray.
Your child requires a PE kit to take part in P.E lessons. This should include a white T-shirt, pair of black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms & some pumps/trainers. PE is on Mondays and Thursdays. Your child needs to come into school wearing their kit on these days.
Children are expected to show respect to each other, to all adults and the school environment. (Inside the building and in the playground) We have a clear behaviour system that all the children follow. The rules and behaviour systems are clearly displayed in all classrooms and around central parts of the school.
Milk and Snack
The children have a water bottle that they can fill from the water coolers when needed. They will also get a piece of fruit to eat at breaktime. At the end of each half term you will be asked to fill out a form to request milk. The form needs to be completed so that the office staff can order milk for the following term.
How you can help?
Literacy – how can you help your child?
• Listen to your child read EVERY NIGHT – discuss pictures and story content.
• Help them to be independent readers.
• Encourage your child to read anything as well as their ‘reading book’ – library books, comics, street names anything.
• Encourage your child to be an independent writer – writing anything – letters, lists, shopping lists – to put their writing skills into everyday situations.
• Help your child to form their letters correctly and present work neatly.
• Help your child to spell and read simple key words and use them in reading and writing.
• Make reading fun, a time that you both look forward to spending together.
Maths – how can you help your child?
• Play games – snakes and ladders, dominoes – all help to develop a variety of mathematical skills.
• Talk about numbers and look for numbers everywhere – shopping, in the street – it all helps to recognise and understand numbers and number patterns
• Help your child to form their numbers properly.
• Practice counting – it’s surprising what you can count.
• Practice counting forwards and backwards – to 10, 20, 100.
• Add 2 numbers together or taking 1 number from another – make into a story or a game.
• Understand symbols for addition, subtraction and equals ( +, -, = )
• Understand estimating how many in a group of objects.• Recognising different coins.- Practise counting handfuls of loose change. shopping activities.