Year 3CB 2024 - 2025
Welcome to 3CB!
Class Teacher: Miss Brookes
Class Teaching Assistant: Miss Farran
Reading Books
Bookbags should be brought to school every day. Please listen to your child read for 10-15 minutes a night and sign their reading record daily. Every time your child has their record signed they will receive a hole punch on their bookmark. Once their bookmark is full, they will receive a reward.
Children are given a piece of homework every week. Homework goes out on a Friday and is due back the following Friday. Every Friday, there will be a break time homework club to support children who have not completed their homework. Spare homework is available in the classroom, and it can also be found on our class blog.
Children are given 10 spellings weekly as part of their homework. These spellings are a mixture of the spelling rule we are looking at in class and spellings from the year 3 and 4 spelling list. Children should practise their spellings daily.
Times Tables
In year 3, children should be practising their 3, 4 and 8 times tables and revisiting their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. We focus on one times table a week and children should be practising this times table daily.
We have PE on Tuesday and Wednesday. Your child should wear their PE kit to school on these days.
Children are expected to show respect to each other, to all adults and the school environment. We have a clear behaviour system that all the children follow and they are taught our 3 rules to be responsible, be respectful and be safe. The rules and behaviour systems are clearly displayed in all classrooms and around central parts of the school.
How you can help your child?
• Listen to your child read – discuss pictures and story content.
• Help them to be independent readers.
• Encourage your child to read anything as well as their ‘reading book’ – library books, comics, street names, anything.
• Encourage your child to be an independent writer – writing anything – letters, lists, shopping lists – to put their writing skills in everyday situations.
• Help your child to form their letters correctly and present work neatly.
• Help your child to spell and read simple keywords and use them in reading and writing.
• Make reading fun, a time that you both look forward to spending together.
• Play games – snakes and ladders, dominoes – all help to develop a variety of mathematical skills.
• Talk about numbers and look for numbers everywhere – shopping, in the street – it all helps to recognise and understand numbers and number patterns
• Help your child to form their numbers properly.
• Practise times tables daily - 2,3,4,5,8 and 10s.
• Practise finding 10 or 100 more or less.
• Understand symbols for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and equals ( +, -, x, ÷, = )
• Recognising different coins, practise counting handfuls of loose change and shopping activities.