Our blogs

Rainbows 🌈

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 7:11pm

Exciting news everyone! The children of key workers who were in school today decided the rainbows we made in Nursery were so amazing that they wanted to make a huge one to put on the Doors at the entrance to our school too.  Don't they all look amazing! Make sure you take a look, the next time you're walking past. 

If you have made a rainbow, send your photos in so we can put them on our blog. 

See you all tomorrow 

Mrs Ganner





Mrs Glover's Well Being Challenges

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 6:44pm

Reception have you seen the well being challenges that Mrs Glover has been putting on all the class blogs. Why not have a go at challenge number 2 and 3.

Challenge 2 is asking you to draw a sunshine and fill it with words and pictures of things that make you smile. Have a look at my sunshine to give you some ideas. I cut up pictures and stuck them in my sunshine but you can draw them as well. 

Challenge 3 is a cooking/baking activity that you must do with a grown up. Mrs Glover would like you to cook or bake something and send in photos. You might do it at the end of the week or even plan to do it at the weekend. She even suggested to look at this website for some recipe ideas:


Me and Adam will be cooking something this week. I'll make sure to blog a photo!

Keep checking the class blogs because Mrs Glover may be setting you some more well being challenges. 

Love Mrs Iqbal 


Wednesday 1st April Letter formation

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 6:38pm

Good Morning Reception, 

Hope you are all well in the middle of our second week of home learning. Wow it's 1st April!!! 

Today I would like you to practise the next few letters in the alpahbet from m upto s. 

Use the show me video below where I am saying each rhyme that we use when writing the letters:


Love Mrs Iqbalblush

Calculating Fractions Quiz-The Answers

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 4:54pm

Hi year 6, I hope you had time to do our fraction quiz today and here is a showme going through all of the answers.


Foe each correct answer you get a house point so a total of 16 can be achieved! Good Luck.

The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 3

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 4:00pm

Hi everyone,I hope you're enjoying our new book as much as I am. Today you can follow chapter 3 and there are a few questions to answer at the end. 


Here are the questions for you to look through and take your time to answer them.

The Boy at the Back of the Class -Chapter 3 Questions

  1. What does ‘forty winks’ mean? Google it if you don’t know or ask someone at home!
  2. Why did the narrator whisper cheerful words to his plant? Give some examples of words he whispered.
  3. Why is the narrator worried about the class bully?
  4. What do the teachers think of the bully? Give evidence to support your answer.
  5. How did Clarissa act when she heard the rumour about the new boy having a contagious disease? Give examples of her actions from the text.
  6. How did the narrator’s paper plane message attempt go? Explain fully.
  7. Why do you think the new boy had to be in ‘seclusion’?

Looking forward to reading Chapter 4 tomorrow wink

Diary Challenge!

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 1:01pm

 Hello Year 4 😊

I hope you are all keeping safe and doing well!

We are now in our second week of working from home… and I’m sure that like me some of you (like me) might be finding it a bit tricky to keep motivated and focussed each day!

It has really helped me to make a bit of a plan each day, a bit like we do in class! I’m trying to do jobs that need more concentration in the morning… and lots of creativity in the afternoon!  I have attached some picture timetables so you can create your own if you would like to. It’s a good way to plan in some fun and exercise as well!


Diary Challenge

I would love to hear about all of the things you have done this week, so I am setting a diary challenge!

Write a diary of your week in your exercise book, and ask your grown up to email a picture of your writing to y4homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk   for your teachers to read at the end of the week!

Don’t forget to:

  • Write the date
  • Write in chronological (time) order
  • Use time connectives (next, then, after that, later that day)
  • Use emotive language to show how you felt!
  • Use careful handwriting
  • Check punctuation, capital letters and spellings

I look forward to hearing all about the exciting activities and learning you have done this week!

Miss Bryce

Sentence of the Day

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 11:26am

Good morning year 6, today our sentence of the day will be a little bit different. What I would like you to do is to look at how I have written a list using a colon to start it and have written expanded sentences in the list which I have separated using semi colons- a very tricky type of sentence to write. 

I want you to use mine as an example and try writing one of your own. You can use the same information I have used but put it in a different order or you can think of your own ideas. 

Particularly over the past few days, I have noticed that, as a household, we could be contributing more to looking after our planet and doing our bit: recycling more, reducing the amount of rubbish going to landfill; using less electricity by switching off lights in rooms that are not occupied; switching to at least one plant-based meal per week, such as using a meat alternative like Quorn; and reducing the amount of water wasted daily, by not keeping the tap running whilst cleaning our teeth or choosing to have a quick shower rather than a bath.

I have also pinked lots of good features included in this super sentence- can you spot them all?

Please send your own versions to the blog or our email 


or Tweet your sentence or a picture of it on our year 6 Twitter account

Year 6@Ravensbury @Year6Ravensbur1


31.03.20 Morning Activities

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 11:04am

31.03.20     Good Morning Year 4!

Start your day with these morning activities! Work out the answers, and then explain to someone at home HOW you have solved them!

Fluent in 5:

A. 55 + 37 =                        B. 64 x 5 =                      C. 1/2 of 94 =

D. 4981 + 4735 =                         E. 2 x 9   = 


Sentence of the Day

1. Add all the missing punctuation and capital letters in this sentence (total 6):  

quickly tom and sam raced to the old abandoned house


2. Read the sentences carefully and decide if the apostrophes are showing singular (S) or plural (P) possession: 

The dogs’ toys were all over the floor.   (S or P?) 

Across the street, the car’s alarm beeped noisily.    (S or P?) 

The families’ picnics were ruined by the rain.      (S or P?) 


Wellbeing challenge number 3

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 10:49am

Hello everyone!

Today's challenge is something that I often enjoy doing when I'm feeling a little sad or worried about something.

Today I am challenging you to cook or bake something! If you can't do it today then why not plan something to make later in the week or even at the weekend? 

Take a look at this website that has plenty of easy and healthy recipes to look or see if you can invent something that includes the contents of your fridge or cupboard https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/recipes

Yesterday I made these cheese scones for me and my husband to have for lunch this week (they're not very healthy but they're very tasty and it's okay to have a little treat once in a while! cheeky)

Make sure you ask an adult to help you with any cooking or cutting and don't do anything before you check it's okay!

Have fun,

Mrs Glover

A big thanks to Miss Kenwell who sent me a picture of her sunshine yesterday (pictured below), she put my drawing to shame! laugh

Wellbeing challenge number 3

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 10:45am

Hello everyone!

Today's challenge is something that I often enjoy doing when I'm feeling a little sad or worried about something.

Today I am challenging you to cook or bake something! If you can't do it today then why not plan something to make later in the week or even at the weekend? 

Take a look at this website that has plenty of easy and healthy recipes to look or see if you can invent something that includes the contents of your fridge or cupboard! https://www.nhs.uk/change4life/recipes

Yesterday I made these cheese scones for me and my husband to have for lunch this week (they're not very healthy but they're very tasty and it's okay to have a little treat once in a while! cheeky)

Make sure you ask an adult to help you with any cooking or cutting and don't do anything before you check it's okay!

Have fun,

Mrs Glover

A big thanks to Miss Kenwell for sending me a picture of her sunshine yesterday (pictured below), she put my drawing to shame! laugh



Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 10:33am

Good morning Year 6, I hope you all had productive days yesterday and you're ready to do some more learning at home!


We're still focussing on fractions this week - have you had a look at Miss Thornton's quiz? Challenge yourselves to complete that before the answers are put up later.
For some more practise, try this: https://www.kidsolr.com/math/fractions.html

Don't forget to complete the code-breaker from yesterday and send me in your answers!
Here's the first few answers to get you started: http://www.showme.com/sh?h=aq916G0


For reading, check out Miss Thornton's Boy at the Back of the Classroom questions here: https://www.ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk/news/reading-the-boy-at-the-back-of-the-class/51604
Continue with your writing activities from your packs - don't forget to email in what you have written so far! (y6homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk)

Deadly 60

Steve Backshall from Deadly 60 is running live lessons at 9:30 on Wednesday here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm-URP49TgSgyIU1rgh2m7A?app=desktop
I watched last week and it was absolutely fascinating - let me know if you learn anything new!


Have you had a go at Mrs Glover's challenge yet? I have! I've attached mine to this blog - I bet you can create a fantastic version - send me your finished designs!

I think that's it for this morning, check back later for the first few answers to yesterday's code breaker maths challenge!

As always, stay safe and keep washing those hands!
Miss Kenwell


Year Ones home learning superstars!

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 10:07am

Here are some children from year one who have been doing some amazing learning and having lots of fun at home.

Joshua working hard at home on his maths learning. We love your new haircut Joshua!

William practicing his maths outside! Isn't learning outside in the sun lovely? (Especially in your Sonic Pyjamas)

Well done Will!

Robert looks like he's having a great time playing his igh sound family phonics game! Keep up the great work Robert!

YuXiangs been very busy practicing his phonics at home. Well Done YuXiang!


Keep up the amazing work Year one. We are super proud of you and love seeing you having so much fun with your learning at home. Well done!

Miss Riley and Miss Wolfenden x

Morning challenge

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 10:07am

Good morning everybody! 

I have a challenge for you this morning... Can you find something in your house that starts with every letter of the alphabet BUT the challenge is that all of your items have to fit on a plate!!! 

Send me pictures of your completed challenges to y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk 
Good luck!

Remember to keep up with PE with Joe Wicks on YouTube. He did an announcement today that on Friday, he wants us all to dress up to do the workout. Fancy dress Friday!! Take a picture and send it to the email if you get involved with this! 

Miss Humphreys :)

Top tip for day 7

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 10:02am

Good morning!

I don't know about you but I feel like I'm sitting down a lot more than I usually would be at school so it's important to take lots of little breaks to get you moving!

enlightenedTop tip for today -  Every hour, try to get up and have a little stretch! Here's a little 5 minute stretch video with a few dance moves thrown in to get you up and moving! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RM4b-w66wpk

Or why not make up your own stretch or dance routine?

Have a good day! smiley

Terrific Tuesdays! Phonics and sentence of the day

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 10:02am

Good Morning Year one!

Let's get our bodies moving this morning with a dance!


Sentence of the day

This week are improving the sentences by making them a little more exciting! Todays challenge is to think of as many words as you can to describe the Naughty Bus. How many different exciting sentences can you write that are better than mine?


Today's phonics focuses on those common exception words. Just like last week you have your common excpetion booklet in your home learning packs with lot's of activities to do. But remember there is lots of fun you can have with common excpetion words... Can you play a game of hide and seek the words, if you have chalks can you write them BIG on the floor? 

Here's a link to some games you can play on phonics play ... play the games that say HFW :)



Today is a reading comprehension day. Get comfy and read your reading comprehension from your homelearning pack. Can you answer the different questions on the back of the reading comprehension.

Dont forget to take some pictures of all the fun activities you're doing and send them to y1homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk we'd love to see what you're up to ! Also if you have any questions please email us ! 

Hope you all have a lovely day !

Miss Riley x

Calculating Fractions Quiz

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 9:47am

Good morning year 6, here is a fractions quiz for you to complete today. Use the 'Showme' videos on the blog to help you to remember how to solve each calculation.

A house point for every correct answer!

I will do a 'Showme' clip to work out the answers later this afternoon to see how well you did. 

Good Luck yes


Tuesday 31st March

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 8:50am

Good morning everyone! I hope you had a great start to the week and are ready for this new day! What learning will you do today? Some creative writing perhaps? Or some maths? Have you designed the postcard from Greece yet? Remember to email us over photos of your learning - we'd love to share it with each other!


Good morning from Mrs Hodges!

Are you ready for today's Sentence of the Day? Here we go!


Remember this week's sentences are all linked to the video of Chris Hadfield showing us how the astronauts sleep on the International Space Station - here's the link again if you missed it yesterday!


Ok everyone, how did you get on with today's sentence? Click the link below to see my corrected sentence!



Hello from Miss Wendt!

Good morning everyone! I thought today we'd start with a little scientific challenge! Our next topic is science is based around our Solar System, this links to the fabulous sentences you have been correcting and completing with Mrs Hodges! Today I would like you to find about about the 8 planets in our solar system. I have attached a guide to help, or you can download it below. Or write it on whatever paper you can find, I don't mind!

And as a little extra task, I would love you to find out what these Spanish words mean - el arco iris - I'll be back later to let you know - and set you a challenge!


Did anyone find out what el arco iris means? That's right, it means RAINBOW! I have loved seeing all of your rainbows on the blog and wondered if 5HW would like to make some rainbows too?! I've attached a Spanish rainbow below, and there is one for you to download and print if you would prefer. 

It's a good opportunity to practise your Spanish colour names too! Let's see who can send us a picture of their rainbow!

See you tomorrow! 

Tuesday Number Formation

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 8:46am

Good Morning Reception!

Today I would like you to focus on number formation! If you have the ‘Easter Maths Booklet,’ you should find this page below in your booklet. Can you form your numbers correctly and colour in the eggs?


If you have the ‘Easter Maths Booklet to 20’ you can use paper.

I have also attached additional links to practise number formation 0-20 below for you to download and print.

Use the ‘show me’ links below to practise your number formation using some fun rhymes to help you remember how to form your numbers correctly!





Every day, I am going to include a maths scavenger hunt for children to participate in using household objects.

Can you find 4 socks and 2 stuffed animals? How many items do you have altogether?


Have fun! Don’t forget to send pictures of your work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk - we love to see your work!! Parents please feel free to contact for any questions/any area or learning you would like to see!! :)




31.03.20 - Reading

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 9:46pm

Good Morning everyone!

Well done for all of those children who went on Reading Plus last week (Deacon, Dylan, Ellie, Maddison, Israel, Denico, Rhianna) You can all have 5 house points each from me!

This video is all about going through the answers on the poetry reading comprehension (I've attached it if you can't find it in your pack). Don't watch the video until you've attempted to work out the answers on your own! (I'm watching you, you cheats wink)

Send me your answers for the final question, on y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Miss Brookes

Home Learning🌟

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 9:41pm

What a lovely surprise to come home to tonight. More home learning photos and 2 new requests for NUMBOT logins. This young learner has been so busy he didn’t even have time to get out of his pjs! What a great attitude to learning you have. Well done!

The tablet app looks very interesting. I’ve not seen that one before. What do you think he is creating on the paper plate ? I think it’s a beautiful, bright rainbow to make everyone in his family smile πŸ˜ƒ 

Keep sending your photos in. It really makes all of the teachers’ day to be able to see your photos

from Mrs Ganner 

🌟You’re an Outstanding Home Learner 🌟



31.03.20 - Maths

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 9:36pm

Good Morning everyone!

Today's maths video is all about fractions of amount (a recap from one of last weeks worksheets but with some new questions).

If you want to practice some more, here are some extra questions:

1.  2/3 of 21

2. 1/4 of 80

3. 5/9 of 72

4. 4/9 of 56

5. 7/12 of 60

Don't forget to email your answers to y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Miss Brookes

31.03.20 - Sentence and Number of the Day!

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 9:24pm

Happy Tuesday everyone!

Below, I have attached the sentence and the number of the day for today.

Don't forget to email your answers to y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Have a fabulous day laugh

Miss Brookes 


Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 8:52pm

Hello everyone 

Just thought I would share something lovely that happened today. A neighbour that I haven't spoken to before posted this message through my door today. 

For those of you that were in class on the last day, we spoke about how rainbows were a sign of hope after something bad had happened and how if we all put our rainbow in our windows it would bring hope to people that saw them. The rainbow in my window did that for my neighbour, which I think is just wonderful. 

Although this is a tricky time right now, one day this will all be over and we will look back on it as a distant memory. We will remember how kind everybody was and how we all came together and supported one another, even when we couldn't be together in person. 

Remember to stay safe, keep sending me your updates as they make me smile every time I see them :) 


Miss Calvert 


NUMBOTS are go, go, go!

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 8:52pm

Only a few days a go we launched NUMBOTS for our nursery children. Already 5 children have been eagerly practicing their number skills by playing fun games. Remember, it only takes 5 minutes per day to build confidence and develop number sense. 

Let's give our fab five a great big Wow! 


Keeping a journal

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 8:10pm

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a relaxing weekend and are ready to get started on another week of learning. Things still feel very strange and different at the moment and I was thinking that in the future we are all going to be a part of history- in the future people will look back on this time and find it unbelievable to hear how we all had to stay home and even to do our learning at home instead of school!

Anyway, my little girls and I have been keeping a journal - jotting down ideas about: what we have done, what has made us smile, what we plan to do the next day, photos, and what we are thankful for. I have attached some pages below for you to have a go at keeping your own lockdown journal- you could print it off or copy some of the ideas into your own notebook or even create your own version complete with cover. I would love to see some of your pages and see what you have been up to.

Send them into our email 

Year6homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk or tweet them to the school twitter page or Y6 page.

looking forward to hearing from you 

take care of yourselves,

Mrs Ranyard


‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
