Our blogs

02.04.20 - Sentence and Number of the Day!

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 11:02pm

Good morning everyone! We've almost made it to half term.

Below is the sentence and number of the day.

Don't forget to email your answers to y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Have a wonderful day!

Miss Brookes

Outstanding Home Learner 🌟

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 7:48pm

Here is another exampe of a fabulous home learning activitiy completed by one of our Nursery children. She is using amazing scissor skills to create a farm scene. As she cut out the pictures she sang .'Old Macdonald' so I've added a YouTube video link so you can sing it too. 

Can you remember when we hatched chicks, not so long ago? That was a really special time in Nursery.

Take care everyone and keep sending in your photos!





Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 7:41pm

Another amazing learning opportunity from one of our children in Nursery. We are so very proud of her and thankful for her family's support. 

Well done! Your message will be seen by many of your friends in school and it will make them feel very special and hopeful.

Mum says,


“When you are feeling sad look for a rainbow. My daughter is always happy when she sees a rainbow in someone's window and it gives her comfort to know her friends and teachers are thinking of her so she wanted to let everyone know she's thinking of her, all her friends and teachers and speaks about them every day. She misses you all very much.”

💜 We miss you too! We hope we will see you very soon 💜

Phonic Scavenger Hunt

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 3:48pm

Good Morning Reception, 

Today for phonics I want you to go on a scavenger hunt looking for objects in your house that may begin or have the Phase 2 sounds in the word. A scavenger hunt is when you are looking around all parts of your house indoors or outdoors for objects. You may want to look in cupboards, drawers but make sure you speak to an adult when you are looking for your objects. 

Adam and I went on a scavenger hunt in our house and found lots of things that begin with or have the sounds in Phase 2. Look in your Phonic pack for the Phase 2 sound mat or look at the sheet that I have attached to this blog. Before we went on the hunt we wrote out the sounds on pieces of paper so we knew what objects we were looking for. 

Make sure to send in your photos to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Good Luck

Mrs Iqbal laugh

The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 4

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 3:36pm

Hi year 6, time for chapter 4 forom the book The Boy at the Back of the Class.



Today I would like you to read along and see if you can summarise the main events in the chapter in just two senetences.

Then I would like you to make a prediction about what you think might happen the following day. 

I really dislike Mrs Grimsby; she not a very nice person is she?

😎 Handwriting Bosses 😎

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 1:39pm


Hello everyone, Mrs Ganner here again. 

After exercising my body with Joe Wicks this morning and a walk out with my family to breathe some fresh air in, I've decided it would be good to teach you something new! Isn't that exciting. 

We have been working hard over the year to strengthen our hands and to be able to use our fiddly fingers to manipulate objects and tools. One of those tools is a pencil. Use the pencil in your home learning pack and write on the back of one of the sheets or an envelope or any other paper you can find. Follow the show me video to learn how to do this and send me a photo of your learning so we can create a gallery of 😎 Handwriting Bosses 😎

Sentence of The Day

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 1:04pm

Good afternoon here is the sentence of the day.

Ths sentence can be used in an information text about flooding.

A flood is caused when large amounts of rain or melting snow canot be adsorbed into the ground a river or a stream; sometimes the rivers and streams are unabel to hold the rain or melting snow simply because they are to full to hold it all.

Can you correct the 2 identified spelling errors and find 2 on your own. 

There is also a list with a missing comma for you to add. 


Ordering Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 12:57pm

Hi year 6, here is a clip of how to order fractions, decimals and percentages. 


I have worked through the answers at the end so pause the clip before I start to over them to give yourself time to work them out for yourself. Have a look in your maths revision books and see if there are any questions on ordering fractions, decimals and percentages and have a practise. 


Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 11:55am

Hello again Year 6!

We're half-way through the week - it's gone so quickly! I've been having a look at the blog and I've realised that over the last couple of weeks, we've put a lot of activities on for you to have a go at.
Today's challenge is to have a look back through the blog and pick something you'd like to have a go at. It might be one of Miss Thornton's reading activities, a sentence of the day, one of the well-being activities, one of the maths challenges or the Taskmaster activity.

Choose something that you think you will enjoy - make sure you send us pictures or videos of what you have done, we love seeing what you have been up to!

Miss Kenwell

Maths Recap - Fractions of Amounts

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 11:23am

Hi Year 4!

Take a look at this maths challenge recapping some of our learning from last term - finding a fraction of a number. 

Remember to follow the Steps to Success:

1. Divide the total amount by the denominator (bottom fraction number) ..use your times tables knowledge to help! 

2. Multiply the answer by the numerator   (top fraction number)

Example:   3/4 of 36 = 

1.     36 divided by 4 = 9

2.    9 x 3 = 27          ... so 3/4 of 36 = 27!

Now download the worksheet attached and have a go! (Answers are included to check at the end!) 


Wellbeing challenge number 4

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 10:53am

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I don't know about you but 2 of my favourite things in the world that always make me feel good are animals and travelling. While I can't travel now, I thankfully have my 2 rabbits, Rupert and Angel, to keep me company at home. Here is a picture of them underneath!

So since I can't travel right now, or see any other animals, I am doing these things in a different way: by looking at this website all about wild animals around the world https://gowild.wwf.org.uk/

It has information and activities about lots of different animals from lots of different regions (Year 2, it has a section on Polar animals which would link nicely to your topic right now!) so you can virtually travel round the world. It even has drawing and photography competitions that you can enter and have your work appear on the website!

I particularly like this activity to make Amazon animal hand shadows https://gowild.wwf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Amazon-hand-shadows.pdf (although I didn't have much luck trying to take a good photo of mine. Perhaps you can do better than me and send one to your home learning address?)

So your wellbeing challenge for today is to choose your favourite area or animal from the website or even complete one of the activities and send a picture or just a bit of writing about it to your home learning e-mail address if you would like to. Or pehaps enter one of the competitions on there and tell us all about it.

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

A big thanks to Zainab in reception for sending in a picture of her brownies. Well done Zainab, they looked delicious!

And thanks to Miss Iqbal who sent me her picture of what makes her and her family smile that she did wih her son Adam! You can see it below:


Wellbeing challenge number 4

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 10:52am

Happy Wednesday everyone!

I don't know about you but 2 of my favourite things in the world that always make me feel good are animals and travelling. While I can't travel now, I thankfully have my 2 rabbits, Rupert and Angel, to keep me company at home. Here is a picture of them underneath!

So since I can't travel right now, or see any other animals, I am doing these things in a different way: by looking at this website all about wild animals around the world https://gowild.wwf.org.uk/

It has information and activities about lots of different animals from lots of different regions (Year 2, it has a section on Polar animals which would link nicely to your topic right now!) so you can virtually travel round the world. It even has drawing and photography competitions that you can enter and have your work appear on the website!

I particularly like this activity to make Amazon animal hand shadows https://gowild.wwf.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/Amazon-hand-shadows.pdf (although I didn't have much luck trying to take a good photo of mine. Perhaps you can do better than me and send one to your home learning address?)

So your wellbeing challenge for today is to choose your favourite area or animal from the website or even complete one of the activities and send a picture or just a bit of writing about it to your home learning e-mail address if you would like to. Or pehaps enter one of the competitions on there and tell us all about it.

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

A big thanks to Zainab in reception for sending in a picture of her brownies. Well done Zainab, they looked delicious!

And thanks to Miss Iqbal who sent me her picture of what makes her and her family smile that she did wih her son Adam! You can see it below:



Artful Wednesday

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 10:32am

Dear 2HR, 

Another day, another challenge! Today is Artful Wednesday which means I would love for you to send me some amazing art to our email address y2homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk . I have added some ideas for you to copy. You could always design or make (with old materials in your house) your household pet or your favourite animal we have been learning about in our connected curriculum topic. Please have a look at my design to give you some good ideas. Unfortnately, Rupert wouldn't sit still for his portrait but we gave it a good go!

Have a lovely day 2HR. 

Miss Hamer

Good morning Wednesday

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 10:25am

First of all, just wanted to say a big well done to Fisayomi, Nabel and Shawnakaye for going up a level on Lexia. I always love receiving emails showing me certificates. Well done to the three of you! You've done great work.


Good morning everybody else. I hope you're feeling pumped from Joe Wicks PE this morning! I hope nobody played any tricks on their adults at home with it being April Fools day!! 

Your challenge today is to write me a story in 100 words! The story can be on anything you want it to be on but it has to include writing skills like 3 part sentences, 2a sentences, fronted adverbial and lots of different punctuation e.g. exclamation marks, question marks, commas, co-ordinating conjunctions and full stops/capital letters. 
Can't wait to read them! 


Your final task is to add in the capital letters and full stops in the sentences below: 

the boy went to the park with his fluffy dog alan and watched him chase after all of the birds 

Remember to email all of your hard work to y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Speak soon! 
Miss Humphreys:) 

Top tip for day 8

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 10:22am

Happy Wednesday! We're half way through the week.

I hope everyone is okay and managing to get a balance of working hard and having fun. If you are feeling a little sad or even bored then why not have a short break from your learning to do something nice for your grown ups at home? It always makes me feel happy to make someone else happy.

enlightenedTop tip for today -  Do something nice for an adult at home. You could make them a picture or card, help with jobs like cleaning, doing the washing up or gardening (you may need to ask about some of these!) or just give them a compliment to make them feel good.

Let us know if you've managed to do something nice for someone by e-mailing your home learning email address.

Joe Wicks PE

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 9:00am

Miss Heritage is in school with the key worker children - she'll be getting ready to join in with the fun. I'm doing mine at home. Who's joining us? 



Wednesday 1st April

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 8:32am

Good morning everyone - a new month begins today! I don't know about you, but March seemed to last a really long time, such a lot has happened! I always love April because it's the first month I really feel Winter has gone and Spring has finally properly arrived...although I've just hung the washing outside and it's very chilly! I'm hoping warmer weather is on its way!

Today, Livvi and Asaph are going to be doing some Maths and some Science - Livvi is learning all about the skeleton and how muscles work. Have you got any interesting facts you remember from your Year 3 learning that you could email me to share with her? Perhaps I'll take a photo of what she's done later and share it with you! Remember you can email over your learning on our Year 5 email: y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Miss Wendt and I are loving hearing from you and seeing what you're getting up to. We miss you all!


Mrs Hodges here!

Right everyone, are you ready for today's Sentence of the Day, linked to the video of Chris Hadfield showing us how they sleep on the International Space Station? Click on the link below!


See you later for the corrected sentence!

How did you get on with today's sentence? Did I catch you out with the possessive apostrophe today?! Click the link below to see my corrected sentence:


Also, Livvi made a model of the bicep and tricep muscles in the arm - she wanted to show you what she had made, click the video below to see! Can you email Miss Wendt and I a video of what you've been up to?


Miss Wendt here!

Like Mrs Hodges said, I think April is one of my favourite months too - and not just because it's my birthday! I always feel that April means the start of warmer weather and that summer is on its way. Hopefully things will warm up soon so we can all enjoy being in the garden and getting some fresh air.

Have a look at the fractions questions below - remember to email us with examples of your work, or just to say hi!

I'll be back later with some science!

Wednesday Reading Scavenger Hunt

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 8:16am

Good Morning Reception!

Today I thought it would be a fun idea to take part in a READING SCAVENGER HUNT! This is where we have to go around our house/ on the internet to find a book that fits the instruction I give you… Each week I will provide you with a different instruction to find a book!

Your instruction for today is to find a book that makes you LAUGH!


I took part in this challenge too!

The book I have chosen, REALLY makes me laugh! It is called ‘I Need a Wee!’ by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. Has anyone read this book before? It is hilarious! It’s all about a bear called Alan. Now, Alan has a bit of a problem… He really, really needs a wee! But things seem to keep getting in his way! Have a listen to the story using the link below!











Now can you find a book that makes you laugh?

Can you read it and take a picture?

Can you write a sentence and draw a picture?

Can you tell me what happens and about the main characters in the story?


I can’t WAIT to all hear about it!

Please email all of your pictures/work to  receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk and have fun!! :)


Wednesday's maths

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 7:50am

Wednesday 1st April 2020

Week 2-Session 3

Focus: More or Less

Today we are going to focus on comparing amounts, numbers and quantities. Have a look at this video to remind you what more and less/fewer means.



Now have a go at the activities in your pack. Remember when you find less than something the amount gets smaller because something is being taken away. When you find more than an amount the amount/number gets bigger because something is being added.

When you have completed the tasks have a go at playing  this game. You have to find one more and one less than an amount. then as a challenge you have to then find ten more.ten less. let us know how you got on!


Keep working hard!



Wonderful Wednesday- sentence of the day and phonics

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 7:31am

Good Morning!

I hope you are all ok. I've had a lovely few days in school with the key worker children, it's made me miss you all very much and has made me think about all the things we will be able to catch up on when we come back to school - whenever that may be!

I know we all love a joke in year one so heres a few to make you all laugh this morning...


Sentence of the day

This week are improving the sentences by making them a little more exciting! Todays challenge is to think of the different meals that the Naughty bus could have ruined. Re-write your sentences and don't forget to make them exciting!


Today's phonics focuses on the split digraphs i-e and o-e.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o9JSTYL7vyc - i-e

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDms5bRsvq4 - o-e

Listen to the videos of Geraldine the Giraffe. Can you find any objects in your house that have the i-e and o-e sounds in them? Can you label these objects?

In your home learning packs you have lots of words with the i-e and o-e sounds in them. Can you make up any fun games to help you read the words? How about beat the clock ? Read as many words as you can in 1 minute. Can you beat your score?

English Writing

This week I would like to set you a challenge. I have been reading lots of funny and uplifting poems from children on the internet and they have really brightened up my days. Can you use the ay, a-e and ai words to make a funny or uplifting poem or story that will make your family and friends smile?

Here's one from me...

Being in the house can be a pain

But atleast our days aren't full of rain

I can still go outside, smile and play

and have lots of fun through the day

When this is over I'll shout hurray

I'll jump and i'll skip all through the day


Dont forget to take some pictures of all the fun activities you're doing and send them to y1homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk we'd love to see what you're up to ! Also if you have any questions please email us ! 

Hope you all have a lovely Wednesday!

Don't forget to take a break, do some colouring and make sure your mind is happy :)

Miss Riley x

01.04.20 - GVP

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 10:06pm

Good Morning everyone!


Didn't Merlin look sweet in that last video? He has spent all day growling at me while protecting his new ball so far...


Today's grammar video is below.


Did you manage to work out how to spell the mispelt worlds?




Don't forget to email your answers to y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Miss Brookes

01.04.20 - Maths and a surprise visit from Merlin!

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 9:58pm

Good morning everyone!


Today's maths is focused on organising decimals. There is even a surprise visit from Merlin at the end of the video (he snuck into my room!)


If you want some extra practice, here are some more questions:


Order the following numbers from the smallest to the largest.


1.         6.02    6.18    6.05    6.12    6.11


2.       12.3     12.98   12.05   12.91   12.32


Don't forget to email your answers to y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Miss Brookes

01.04.20 - Sentence and Number of the Day!

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 9:54pm

Good Morning everyone! 

Can you believe that we're halfway through the week already? 

Below is our sentence and number of the day.

Don't forget to email your responses to y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Miss Brookes

Home Learner 🌟

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 7:34pm

What do you get if you cross a milk bottle with some craft resources? A Milkephant! 

Keep sending in your awesome creations for us to share on our blog every day 😎 

🌟You’re an Outstanding Home Learner! 🌟 again and again and again 


Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 7:24pm

We have received a very important video announcement from one of our fabulous young home learners who knows exactly what we need to do 



‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
