Our blogs

Connected Curriculum - 3 Week Challenge!

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 9:34am

Good Morning everyone! 

Our focus this half term is Space, and more specifically, 'what's inside an astronauts suitcase?' 

This is my favourite to teach, so I am very excited to share the three week challenge with you! Below, there are six different activities to choose from. These include: writing, research and creating activities. 

It is entirely up to you which activity you choose - I'm going to choose one as well to complete - so pick the one that makes you the most excited for learning. You have three weeks to complete it. 

If you choose to create the 'how to' guide for surving on the International Space Station, here are some useful youtube links:

Space Kitchen - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZx0RIV0wss

Sleeping in Space - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UyFYgeE32f0

Brushing your Teeth in Space - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU9kffoAQ8U

Washing your Hair in Space  - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOIj7AgonHM

Those are just a few of the exciting videos out there. If you search on youtube Chris Hadfield International Space Station you will find even more! 

There is also a great website for finding out about different planets at: https://space-facts.com/planets/ 

I haven't decided which challenge I am going to accept yet, maybe I will make a space helmet out of tinfoil, or perhaps create a fact file about my favourite planet (which is Mars). 

Look out for my weekly science lessons as well, because they will also be focused on Space and might help you if you're researching planets! 

Don't forget to send pictures of what you have created to y5homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Miss Brookes

Monday's maths

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 9:29am


We hope you are ready for your maths challenges today! We know you have maths learning left in your maths packs so keep doing that too !. The maths work on the blog will need to be completed in the yellow exercise book that is in your home learning pack. To help you get ready for the Summer term in Year One and for learning in Year Two it is important that you can write the daily date in your books.Today, we want you to practise how to write the days  of the week correctly.

On the top of the page we want you to write the date like this

Monday 20th April 2020

Remember to use capital letters for the days and months and underline your work with a ruler. This is something you are going to do everyday.

After you have written the date we need you to have a go at writing the Days of the week. Some of them are really tricky and don't look like they sound.

Have a go at singing the Days of the week with Mother Hen!



Hopefully you will remember all the days now. Have a go at writing them in your book. Ask your adult to write them in your book for you and then have a go at copying them first. Afer you have copied them and you think you know how to write them then have a go at writing them independently, without looking!!!!

 Look  Copy  Spell  Check

Any problems please email the staff at y1homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk. We want to see who can write the best dates in their books by the end of the week and is going to be our Superstar learner of the week. Make sure you send in the photos of your learning!


Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley




Super Star Learners!

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 9:15am

Look at how hard some of the children have been working over the last two weeks. These photos made Miss Riley and I feel super proud. It is lovely to see children wanting to continue to learn, even when they are at home. Well done to you all!


Keep sending us photos !!!!!

Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

Monday Minibeast Hunt

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 8:51am

This half term, we are going to be learning about MINIBEASTS!

What better way to explore this topic than to go on a MINIBEAST hunt!

With your adult at home, can you go into your garden or outside for a walk and look for some creepy crawlies?


Attached below is a checklist of the different minibeasts you have to find!

Have lots of fun and don’t forget to take pictures of your wriggly friends! :)

Welcome Back!

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 8:41am

Welcome back!

Hello and welcome back,

We hope you have had a fantastic Easter break and have spent alot of time with your families doing nice things. We have really missed writing the daily blogs but have been very impressed with the amount of children who have sent in photographs to celebrate some of the learning that they have been doing over the break. We miss you all so much and look forward to looking at the photographs, They always bring a smile to our faces and keep us feeling happy through the day.

Daily Learning

Everyday Miss Riley and I will be posting learning for you to do. Miss Riley will post Sentence of the day and some phonics learning and I will post Fluent in 5 maths challenges. Every Monday you will receive Connected Curriculum learning and reading challenges that you can complete over the week. It is also really important that you continue to use Lexia and Active learn to support  daily reading and play TT rockstars to help you learn your 2,5,and 10 timetables.

It would be lovely to celebrate all the work that you are doing and would be nice to let all the teachers and children know how you are getting on. Please send in photos to y1homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk and we will share them on the blog for all to see. Look out for some of the photos that  we will be posting later !!!

Don't forget to do the Joe Wicks workout at 9.00am . Miss Riley and I are going to be doing the workout in the garden this week. Maybe you could do that too! Look out for the learning  that will be  posted on the blog  through the day! keep working hard and most Important of all say inside and stay safe.


Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley



Monday Maths - 3d Shapes

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 8:28am

Good Morning Reception!

I hope you have had a lovely Easter break and have been enjoying the sunny weather! I’d love to hear about what you have all been up to!

Today in our maths learning we are going to focus on 3D shapes.

Remind yourself of some of our common 3D shapes by listening to the 3D shapes songs we listen to in class!




Now you have listened to the songs, I would like you to look around your home or outside and try to find…

A cylinder

A sphere

A cube

A cuboid

And A Cone!


Once you have found them,

Can you count how many FACES each shape has?

Can you tell someone at home how many EDGES  your shape has?

Maybe you can even count the VERTICES?


Take a picture of your shapes and send them in to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk!

I’m looking forward to seeing them!!

Below I have attached some links for you to download and complete these shape challenges at home!



Monday Challenge!

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 8:03am

Hello, Miss Heritage here with today's challenges!

Earlier today I read the story 'Peppa the Easter bunny'. 

Today's Phonic Challenge!

Your first challenge is to find items around your home beginning with the sound 'p' for Peppa, 'p' for pig.

You could draw a picture of the things you find or ask a grown up  to help you write a list of the words.

You could even have a go at drawing a picture of 'Peppa Pig' and write the word 'pig' next to your picture.

Have a look at the 'show me' clip to help you sound out and write the word.


Maths Counting Challenge!

Practise your counting skills by counting the objects in the pictures below.

How many Easter eggs can you count? *Remember to point to each egg as you count and say each number name in turn.

Find and count the items. Count the items in the picture, you can even have a go at writing the numeral to match the amount of items.

Good luck and remember to send any photos of your learning to nureseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Miss Heritage



Monday 20th April

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 7:33am

Good morning Year 5! Welcome back after your Easter break - we hope you've had a lovely time doing things at home (and perhaps a daily walk or bike ride, or have you been doing any Easter baking?) and enjoyed the sunshine!

We’re ready and raring to go with our daily blog posts again! They’ll look a little different to before Easter - Miss Brookes, Miss Wendt and I have been talking about how we can join together so that both Year 5 classes are doing the same activities. So, here’s what you can expect to see over these next few weeks of home learning!

* Some ideas for different Connected Curriculum activities for you to choose from over the next 3 weeks - our theme is SPACE! Mrs Hodges' favourite! (well, after the Victorians that is)

* Weekly Reading Challenge (posted on a Monday)

* Daily blog post with Maths, GVP and Sentence of the Day activities

* A Science, Writing/Vocabulary and Spanish activity throughout the week, which we’ll tell you about in the daily blog post

Make sure you check our blog post every day to find your new activities and remember that we would LOVE to see the learning you’ve been doing at home (and are also more than happy to answer any questions you have about the activities we’ve set), so please email us and we can celebrate your fabulous achievements together! Our special Year 5 email is:


We’re missing you all very much, and can’t wait to be back together again. We’re so proud of each one of you, we hope you remember that as you set aside a bit of time each day to do some learning and stay safe at home!

Love Mrs Hodges, Miss Wendt and Miss Brookes x

Mrs Hodges here!

Hello everyone! Are you ready for your Sentence of the Day? I really miss doing this with you in person, but for now, my Show Me videos are a pretty good second choice! Before you check out today’s sentence, I’d like you to have a watch of this video of Mark Vande Hei (an astronaut) telling us about how they exercise on the International Space Station (remember, that’s the floating laboratory which orbits Earth!):


Our next 3 Sentence of the Days are going to be to do with this video. Here we go - remember to email across your corrected sentence, and I’ll post my purple pen video later on today!


Right everyone, how did you get on with today's sentence? Click the link below to see my corrected sentence!


Good Morning from Miss Wendt!

I was thinking about the different things that we can practice to keep our mathematical skills sharp. This week we are going to be looking at quick questions featuring the 4 different operations - addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

Have a look at the questions below and think about which ones you can work out in your head, and which may need a written method. Remember to email your answers!

I'll update with the correct answers at the end of the day!

Hello from Miss Brookes!

I hope you have all had a lovely Easter break and are excited to begin some learning! 

Each day I will be sharing a 'show me' video for GVP. Along with this video, there will be some additional activities for you to complete, with the same focus. This week, we are beginning with parenthesis. 


I can't wait to see what sentences you create to do with the photograph of Merlin! 

I have also attached a worksheet for you, where you need to use brackets, dashes and commas to show parenthesis.

Note: A dash is longer than a hyphen (I knew there was a difference!)

Have a lovely Monday!


And now for the answers...

Have a look at the Fluent in 5 answers for today - did anyone get them all correct? Did you decide which calculations could be worked out using mental methods, and which may need a written method? Next to the answer is a clue that might help!

Miss Wendt x


The Boy at the Back of the class

Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 11:28pm

Dear Year 6, 

I am sure that you have all been enjoying listening to Miss Thornton reading the novel "The Boy at the back of the Class". Before the holidays we got up to Chapter 6. Here is a summary of the story so far made on a storyboard- it is  a really fun way of showing the story as a sort of comic strip- click the link below and create your own summary of the story so far.


Please email or send us a copy of your storyboards to share, we would love to see them,

Mrs Ranyard


Good morning Year 6!

Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 11:00pm

Hi everyone, 

I hope you've all had a wonderful Easter break at home nd spent lots of lovely time with your families. I really wish we were all heading back into school today to catch up with each other but it is still nice to be back in touch again at least!

Apart from eating lots of chocolate and catching up on some reading in the sunshine and chasing after my twins, I have really enjoyed hearing about all the marvellous things that people are doing to help others in these strange times. I am sure you have all heard about Captain Tom Moore, the 99 year old man who has been raising money for the NHS. What an amazing man he is and what a lovely story to hear at this time.

I have attached a report about his incredible efforts - I though you might like to read and answer the questions attached too especially Michael in my English group as I know he has tweeted that he needs more things to read! Well done  Michael! 

Please get in touch by email or twitter and let us know if there is anything you would like us to put on the blog for you, 

bye for now Mrs Ranyard



Welcome back!

Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 3:51pm

Good morning Nursery and welcome back! I hope you are well and have had a lovely Easter!

Mrs Ganner and I are looking forward to seeing your holiday homework or any exciting Easter activities you have done! Check out some of the things we have been doing in the Heritage house over the holidays too!

You can send your photos to nurseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk we can't wait to see them!

This morning I am sharing an Easter story with you. It is called 'Peppa the Easter bunny' I hope you enjoy the story!

Look back on our blog later and I will put on today's challenges!

Miss Heritage


Monday 20th April Reading

Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 3:50pm

Good Morning Reception, 

Today we are starting a new topic and text. Hopefully through our blogs today you will be able to guess what our new topic will be about for our Home Learning this half term.

I want you to start by playing a game of I Spy using the picture that I have attached to this blog. Say the words...'I Spy with my little eyes I can see a......'

Then play again by adding a describing word before the object or creature that you can see.

For example, 'I Spy with my little eye I can see a black creepy spider.' 

Hopefully you have guessed that our new topic this half term is all about...

Our new text is called 'Mad About Minibeasts.' It is an information book with lovely pictures about lots of different creatures that can be found in the garden. Listen to the story online using the link below:


After you have listened to the story talk to your grown up about the different creatures you have learnt about in the book. You may want to draw a picture and write the name of the minibeast underneath your picture.

Mrs Cooper and Mrs Iqbal's phonic groups I wonder if you can write a super sentence about your minibeast...!!!

Send in any work or photos to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Good Luck!!!

Monday 20th April Phonics

Date: 19th Apr 2020 @ 3:35pm

Good Morning Reception, 

Hope you are well and have enjoyed the Easter Holidays. Here is your Phonics home learning for today...

Start by singing some of our phonic songs:



Today we are going to concentrate on the Phase 3 sounds below: 

Can you say each sound correctly? Play fastest finger first by asking your adult to say a sound and you point to the sound quickly. 

In your Phonic pack you need to cut up the Phase 3 sounds and take out the sounds above. Now I want you to turn over the sound cards and take turns with someone in your family to flip over a sound and tell them something that brings with that sound. Now look around your house and see if you can find anything that begins with the Phase 3 sounds above. 

Using the cut up sounds from Phase 2 and the Phase 3 ones above can you make the following words. Ask your grown up to say each word and you make it up using the sound cards.

Words to make...









If you are in Mrs Cooper or Mrs Iqbal's phonic groups have a go at putting each word in a super sentence. You may even want to put the words in a wordsearch and give it to someone in your house to find the words. I have attached a blank wordsearch template for you if you want to do this activity. 

Finally have a go at playing one of these games:


Practise reading sentences from Phase 3 j, v, x, y, z: 


Don't forget to email your photos or work to... receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Good Luck!!!


Reading Plus WINNERS (Week 3)

Date: 18th Apr 2020 @ 7:05pm

I hope you all have had a lovely Easter, and managed to enjoy a little sunshine where possible! 

Well done to the six children who took part in the Reading Plus Challenge this week - I expect to see more of you joining in next week!

The winners this week are:

Sam for reading the most books (10 books! I think that's the most anyone has read in one week! Well done)

Israel (again!) for reading the most words (8,051 words)

Well done you two! Make sure you get your hot chocolate and biscuit from me when we are back in school.

It also looks like 5HW have the most wins so far (4 wins compared to 5CBs 2 wins). Come on 5CB, we can't let them beat us!

Miss Brookes 

Reading Plus WINNERS (Week 2)

Date: 12th Apr 2020 @ 12:01pm

Happy Easter Year 5!

Well done to the nine children who took part in the Reading Plus Challenge this week - I expect to see more of you joining in next week!

The winners this week are:

Fontoh for reading the most books (5 books)

Israel for reading the most words (6,908 words)

Well done you two! Make sure you get your hot chocolate and biscuit from me when we are back in school.

It also looks like 5HW have the most wins so far (3 wins compared to 5CBs 1 win). Come on 5CB, we can't let them beat us!

Miss Brookes 

Easter Crafts!

Date: 8th Apr 2020 @ 11:40am

Hello Ravensbury :)

I hope you are all well and enjoying your Easter break!

Take a look at https://www.thebestideasforkids.com/easter-crafts-for-kids/  for loads of fun Easter craft ideas ... using items you can find in your house! There are also some great videos showing you exactly what to do. 

So gather up your pens, scissors, toilet rolls and egg boxes and get making! 


Miss Bryce 


Easter Crafts!

Date: 8th Apr 2020 @ 11:31am

Hello Ravensbury :)

I hope you are all well and enjoying your Easter break!

Take a look at https://www.thebestideasforkids.com/easter-crafts-for-kids/  for loads of fun Easter craft ideas ... using items you can find in your house! There are also some great videos showing you exactly what to do. 

So gather up your pens, scissors, toilet rolls and egg boxes and get making! 


Miss Bryce 



ITV Creates

Date: 7th Apr 2020 @ 11:31am

Good Morning Everyone, 

Hope you are all well and keeping safe!

Adam and I were watching TV yesterday and saw this being advertised: Why not have a go...? For further information visit the website:


I have downloaded the ITV logo and attached it on this blog. Once you have finished your design all you need to do is ask your grown ups to submit a picture of your artwork via Twitter or Instagram using #ITVKidsCreate and @ITV and as many creations as possible will be broadcast. The closing date to post your artwork is midnight Sunday 19th April. All chosen artwork will be broadcast on TV between Monday 20th April until Sunday 26th April. 

Good Luck!!!

Mrs Iqbal 

Monday 6th April

Date: 6th Apr 2020 @ 4:51pm

Hello 5HW!

Miss Wendt here!

I just thought I would check in and say hi, hope you are all having a lovely Easter break and have been able to enjoy some sunshine in your back garden or some of the many activities uploaded on the blog. Thank you to all of the children who have sent myself and Mrs Hodges some examples of your work, keep them coming. We had a lovely message from Paul this weekend who was practising his maths and Aden has already completed his holiday homework!

Here are Aden's postcards from Greece! He was very lucky to be able to use real pictures of Greece, doesn't it look lovely!


I've also been busy today. I got up this morning feeling a little bit sad, as today I was due to go on holiday. After talking to my friends I realised that it's ok to be bothered about things that you may miss while we are all inside. What matters most is that we are staying safe, for ourselves and others. I decided to have a look at some of Mrs Hodges Easter recipes and decided to make some chocolate crispy cakes! I was a bit limited with the ingredients I have in my house (I only had cereal and chocolate!) but I think they look great! They taste good too! Has anyone else had a go at making anything?

Keep in touch everyone and we will see you soon!

Miss Wendt & Mrs Hodges x

Wellbeing holiday challenge

Date: 6th Apr 2020 @ 11:36am

Hi everyone,

Happy Easter holidays!

If you're still looking to stay busy over the holidays then I know the teachers are setting some fun activities but you could also give this exciting project a go!

Liverpool Museum are asking children between the age of 4 and 11 to create their own exhibition or gallery all about you and your favourite things. The project involves creating a project, designing a poster and then creating a video and some of them will even win the chance to have their exhibition feature on their website as well as spending an afternoon at the museum and getting a behind the scenes tour.

There is more information here : https://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/my-home-my-museum and in these pictures below. Please send us pictures or links to your home e-mail addresses if you do this!

If you missed any of the wellbeing challenges from last week then why not give them a go too?

Happy Easter!

Mrs Glover

Wellbeing holiday challenge

Date: 6th Apr 2020 @ 11:35am

Hi everyone,

Happy Easter holidays!

If you're still looking to stay busy over the holidays then I know the teachers are setting some fun activities but you could also give this exciting project a go!

Liverpool Museum are asking children between the age of 4 and 11 to create their own exhibition or gallery all about you and your favourite things. The project involves creating a project, designing a poster and then creating a video and some of them will even win the chance to have their exhibition feature on their website as well as spending an afternoon at the museum and getting a behind the scenes tour.

There is more information here : https://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/my-home-my-museum and in these pictures below. Please send us pictures or links to your home e-mail addresses if you do this!

If you missed any of the wellbeing challenges from last week then why not give them a go too?

Happy Easter!

Mrs Glover



Easter Baking Ideas!

Date: 4th Apr 2020 @ 9:05am

Good morning Ravensbury!

I'm just getting my shopping list ready and was looking up some Easter baking receipes I thought my children would enjoy over these next couple of weeks. There are some lovely ideas on the BBC Good Food website, and thought you might like to have a go at some Easter baking too!


Really, I'm hoping to make Hot Cross Buns for the first time - but that all depends on whether I can buy some bread flour, and the flour aisle in the shops has been pretty empty! Perhaps I'll find some today!

Wishing you all a lovely Easter (and happy baking!),

Mrs Hodges x

Easter Baking Ideas!

Date: 4th Apr 2020 @ 9:04am

Good morning Ravensbury!

I'm just getting my shopping list ready and was looking up some Easter baking receipes I thought my children would enjoy over these next couple of weeks. There are some lovely ideas on the BBC Good Food website, and thought you might like to have a go at some Easter baking too!


Really, I'm hoping to make Hot Cross Buns for the first time - but that all depends on whether I can buy some bread flour, and the flour aisle in the shops has been pretty empty! Perhaps I'll find some today!

Wishing you all a lovely Easter (and happy baking!),

Mrs Hodges x

🐣 Happy Easter 🐣

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 7:31pm

We’d like to wish each and every one of you a restful and happy time over the holidays. Take some time to recharge those batteries and we’ll see you back here in 2 weeks. 


🐣 Easter Activities 🐣

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 7:20pm

To keep you busy over the holidays grab some things from around the house and let your creative juices flow! 

Enjoy the time spent together. 

send your photos in to nurseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk 


‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
