Year 6DL: Blog items

30 Days Wild - Weekend Challenges πŸžπŸ›πŸπŸ•·

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 3:16pm

Well done to Honour and Jola for finding this fabulous centipede! It’s safely back outside now. Well done for ‘Going Wild’!


If any of you want a wild weekend then here are two more challenges:

Challenge 1: How do I know it’s a centipede and not a millipede? CLUE: The answer is NOT to do with the number of legs it has. 

Challenge 2: Bugs shouldn’t be living in your house so why not make them a hotel in your garden? Stack wood and tubes and crates to make a bug hotel this weekend. Then watch them set up home in all the nooks and crannies. Bugtastic! 


Send your answers to my home learning address: 

Have a brilliant weekend! Keep those eyes peeled for lots of bugs 

From Mrs Ganner

Story Adventure House on Haunted Hill Part 14

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 10:33am

Good morning year 6. I have been wondering what today's weather will be like! One minute it is sunny and the next it looks like it is about to pour down with rain. 

At least the wind isn't howling like in our story adventure...

Yesterday we were back at the front of the house and you had to decide whether to ring the doorbell or use the door knocker. 

Well Maddison got in there first and suggested we ring the doorbell so here goes...

You press the doorbell and nothing happens, no sound. You shrug to yourself, what you expected really. The bitter wind whips around the corner and you press the doorbell again. This time you hear a creak and then a low whistle.

Suddenly the floor beneath you gives way and you plummet down a tunnel. Your stomach lurches terribly as you drop like a stone. You glance up and see that there was a trapdoor hidden under the weedy growths surrounding the door.

After a few seconds you slide into a small dark room with a thud. You get up and dust yourself down. With a sickening feeling you search the room for a door, there isn’t one. You try the tunnel you slid down but it is far too slippery. Looks like you are stuck here forever!

Oh no! I was not expecting that! 

I love the word 'plummeted' as it gives the impression of quickly falling into the unknown. 

Should we see what happens if we use the door knocker instead?

Here goes...

You raise the wolf’s head and let the knocker drop, your hand is shaking slightly and you notice that despite the cold, you are sweating.

A moment passes and then the door swings open, creaking and howling like a wolf.

You peer inside the gloomy hallway and decide that you have come this far, time to enter.

The hallway is dim but the bright moonlight offers enough visibility. Thick cobwebs hang everywhere and the house is cold, really cold. You see a door to your right, a large dusty mirror to your left and a large spiral staircase. Do you:

Open the door 

Climb the stairs    

Examine the mirror

I think we should either open the door or examine the mirror-what do you think we should do?

Good morning Year 6!

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 9:30am

Good Morning Year 6!

Find your learning tasks on the Year 6 Padlet  Page:

Remember to join in the TTRockstars battle also- Miss Kenwell's class has taken an early lead!

Well done Zarak, Michelle and Hafiz for getting involved so far and Elijah and Arion! 

June 5th - #30DaysWild – Whole School Challenge 5 πŸπŸ¦‹πŸ›πŸžπŸ€”πŸ“’

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 8:02am

Good Morning Ravensbury,

It’s the end of our first wild week. I’ve spoken to a few of your grownups about what they have seen and done this week. Did anybody find a minibeast in their house yesterday? Send in photos of your minibeast encounters so we can put them on the blog. Here’s today’s challenge:

Whatever WILD THINGS you see today write down a list and send a photo of what is in your local park or back yard or garden. Let’s work out what kinds of wildlife are living in and around Clayton.

Send your photos or short videos in and I'll put them up on our school blog 


From Mrs Ganner 

Good morning Year 6!

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 10:17am

Good morning Year 6! 
hope you are well. Has anybody had a go at Mrs Ganner's Go Wild activities yet? I know my twins love a bit of dancing in the rain!

REMEMBER to check  out our Padlet Page for today's learning:

I have set up a timetables challenge between the classes on TTRockstars so get practicing and we will see which class are the winners! 6LK has win the last few trophies so come on Miss Thornton's class - show them what youre made of!! You have one week to beat them starting today!

Don't forget to keep sending us in pictures and emails to let us know what you have been up to:

That's all for today,  looking forward to hearing from you!

Mrs Ranyard, Miss Kenwell and Miss Thornton 

Story Adventure The House on Haunted Hill Part 13

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 10:17am

Good morning year 6. What a gloomy day! I'm not sure if I feel chills due to the weather or from the story adventure yesterday. It really was very spooky!

Well today we will head back to the start and go to the front door. When we started the adventure we went straight around the back. We have a golden key but no ruby heart yet. 

Here we go for today's adventure...

The front door is warped slightly due to the years of hard rain lashing down upon it. Huge, rhododendron bushes scale the walls either side of the door framing it with its vigorous growth. A tarnished door knocker shaped like a howling wolf sits in the middle of the door. You scan the rest of the frame and see a doorbell half-hidden by years of dirt to the left.

Do you:

Use the door knocker 

Ring the doorbell

What will you choose to do today?

I bet your eyes widened when you tried to read 'rhododendron bushes'! I loved these flowers as we had them in our back garden growing up. 

It is pronounced- row·duh·den·druhn and they look like this...



June 4th - #30DaysWild – Whole School Challenge 4 πŸ•·πŸŒΏ

Date: 4th Jun 2020 @ 7:58am

Good Morning Ravensbury,

I hope you managed to get out in the WILD yesterday! Send in your splashing photos so we can share the fun. Here’s today’s challenge:

When it gets cold and wet outside, sometimes the wild likes to come inside! If you find a minibeast friend, help them find their way home by carefully scooping them up and putting them outside.

Send your photos or short videos in and I'll put them up on our school blog 


From Mrs Ganner 



Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 10:06am

Good morning Year 6! 
I hope you've been staying safe and enjoying the sunshine. It looks like the weather has taken a bit of a turn for the worse so why not spend some time inside having a go at the activities we have uploaded!

Check out our Padlet Page for today's learning:

Well done to those people who have been working through the activities on Education City - there is a new 'Decimals' City for you to have a look at - good luck!

Don't forget to keep sending us in pictures and emails to let us know what you have been up to:

That's all for today,  looking forward to hearing from you!

Miss Kenwell, Miss Thornton and Mrs Ranyard

Story Adventure The House on Haunted Hill Part 12

Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 10:04am

Good morning everyone! We are back once again with our spooky adventure. Maddison has decided to go back to the room on the left and drink the water...

Let's see what happens next!

You choose the door on the left and walk into a bathroom. The stench of mould and decay is overpowering and you feel sick almost instantly. Your head starts pounding and you feel nauseous with the pain. You glance towards the sink and see a steady stream of cool, clean water pouring from the tap.

That may just ease the throbbing pain in your head.

Do you:

Drink some water-YES!

You approach the tap and gulp down some cool water, instantly the pain in your head vanishes and the refreshing drink soothes your whole body. You continue drinking, lapping at the cool spring like a thirsty dog.

After a few seconds, you notice yourself getting fuller but you can’t stop yourself from drinking. Your stomach is expanding but still you can’t drag yourself from the enchanting liquid. Water begins to spill out from your mouth, nose and then ears and eyes. Finally, you pull away from the tap and then you see yourself in the dirty mirror, you have turned into a giant drop of water. You attempt to move but wobble towards the bath where you topple in and splash all over it. You begin to trickle down the plughole and you realise your adventure and life is over!

Oh no!

Your new choice- Do you want to...

Go back to the room on the right and drink the blood


Go back to the front of the house?


Wellbeing challenge page is moving !

Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 9:30am

Good morning !

Thank you to everyone who has sent in a photo of themselves exercising for our exercise challenge this week. Here are some of the photos ( and some photos of previous challanges too) !

From tomorrow, our wellbeing challenges will be moving  - you will find it under the 'wellbeing' tab on the website .

Let me know how you get on with our exercise challenge today!

Mrs Harriott




June 3rd - #30DaysWild – Whole School Challenge 3 πŸŒ§β˜”οΈ

Date: 3rd Jun 2020 @ 8:05am

As you know this month our school is going WILD! Here’s today’s challenge. I found this challenge on the free 30 Days Wild app. You can download it on the App Store or Google Play Store.

Just because it’s raining out there it doesn’t mean you can’t go wild! Get your Peppa on and pull on some wellies to dance in the rain.

Send your photos or short videos in and I'll put them up on our school blog 

PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 

Good morning Year 6!

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 11:22am

Good morning Year 6,

Can you believe all the lovely sunshine we have had? We hope you have had a lovely break and are looking forward to getting back to some learning either at home or for some of you back in school next week! 
We are missing you all and looking forward to seeing some of you next Monday- we were busy in school yesterday getting ready! Don't worry though there will still be work posted on the blog and padlet for you to complete at home.

Also, please feel free to like, add a comment or ask questions below an activity on padlet if you like something, want to ask a question or just want to say hi- we would love to hear from you!

Miss Kenwell, Miss Thornton and Mrs Ranyard

CC Earth Day Commitments

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 10:44am

Hey everyone, I hope you have been enjoying our CC topic on Climate Change especially finding out about the climate change warriors and exploring some of the ideas of how we can take positive action to stop climate change. This week we will be looking at how we can become part of the solution even in our own small way using what we have found out. We will also be thinking about our BIG QUESTION:  ‘How is Clayton connected with the global community?'  by considering how we can be involved in protecting the planet from the problems we have researched.

Last month was Earth Day where people across the globe share their commitments to help protect our earth. Can we make every day Earth day? Let's try! Choose  one or two activities below:

1. Make an earth day craft sharing your commitments- try the earth house or craft commitment

2. Write a persuasive letter to a friend encouraging them to commit to Recycle, Re-use, Reduce, Repair or Refuse

3. Create a poster for Earth Day to encourage change 

Remember to share your work with us -you can tweet us or email us we would love to see it!


Story Adventure The House on Haunted Hill Part 12

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 10:28am

Good morning everyone! It's great to get back to our school routine and I am really looking forward to exploring lots of new topics and tasks this half term. I hope you have been keeping yourselves busy over the half term and also keeping safe. 

I have missed following our spooky adventure so let's recap on where we are up to...

We arrived at the house and decided to go round to the back door.

Next we decided to investigate a noise we heard. Unfortunately this lead to our demise!

Then we went back and decided to go down into the cellar.

In the cellar was a filthy cupboard and we decided to open it. Inside we found a key.

After that we climbed the stairs to the house.

The next part terrified me as we went to investigate the mirror, where we were pulled in, never to return.

Then we climbed the stairs and had to choose between a door on the left and a door on the right.

We entered the door on the right and found ourselves in the master bedroom. We had to choose between lying down for a rest or investigating the dressing table. 

We next decided to investigate the dressing table. On it was a bottle or Werewolf's blood and one of the options was to take a drink! Luckily we decided to leave this room and try the door on the left. 

In this room there was a stream of water pouring from the tap and there was an option to drink it but instead we decided to leave and go back to the room on the right.

So now we are sort of trapped between the right and left room. 

Our last two choices were...

Lay down for a rest...


Investigate the dressing table where we could drink the blood!

Well today year 6 I am going to choose to lie down and have a rest on the bed! EEKK!

Here goes...

The second you lay your head on the pillow, you know this was the right idea. You are so sleepy and a few minutes will give you the energy you need.

You close your eyes and instantly drift off to sleep.

Unfortunately, you have entered the master’s bedroom and he fell asleep on this bed never to wake. You too will share the master’s fate as you sink into a deep deep sleep that you will never wake from. Your adventure is over.

Oh dear!! 

Now we will have to either go to the room on the left to drink the water or stay in this room and drink the blood? What will it be?

Water or blood?

Wellbeing challenge check in

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 9:18am

Good morning!

How did day 1 of our exercise challenge go ? Here's one of our exercise superstars playing basketball.

Well done to you if you also did some exercise !

If yesterday didn't quite happen for you, that's ok . Today is your day ! Let me know how you get on: 

Mrs Harriott

June 2nd - #30DaysWild - Whole School Challenge 2 πŸ›β˜€οΈπŸΎπŸŒ²πŸ•·

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:16am

Hello again,

Just a reminder - This month our school is going WILD! Here’s today’s challenge


I found this challenge on the free 30 Days Wild app.

Today why not look for signs of new life when you go out for a walk. I saw some ducklings at our local pond over the weekend (see short video) and look closely at the photo. What baby can you see? What is this baby animal called?


Send your photos in to and I'll put them up on our school blog. 

PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 

We have some fabulous photos below, just in from Alissia and Keira. Great bug spotting!

#30 Days Wild Launch Day πŸŒžπŸŒ²πŸ’πŸ•·πŸ›

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 12:27pm

June 1st - #30DaysWild - Challenge 1


Hello everybody,

I hope you had an amazing half term and you’re as excited to be back completing home learning challenges as I am. This month our school is going to go WILD! Yes, that’s right, our mission is to do as many wild things as we can and have fun whilst learning outside. 


Each day I will put up a wild challenge and you can take a photo of you and your family completing it so I can put it on this blog. 

Here is your challenge for today, see how many wild minibeasts you can find outside:


Send your photos in to and I'll put them up on our school blog. 

If you'd like to choose your own challenges download this app:


PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 


Wellbeing challenge 1.6.20

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 10:57am

Hello and welcome back to the start of our final half term of this school year!

As you know, Mrs Glover has been setting us wellbeing challenges to keep us feeling positive and productive over the last few months. It has been fantastic to look back at all the photos you have sent her showing your creative work!

For the next few weeks, Mrs Glover is lucky enough to be going into school each day to teach as we  start opening up the school to certain year groups, so I'll be setting your wellbeing challenge.

So, here's your challenge for this week:

Can you set yourself an exercise goal for the week and try and do a different  exercise each day? It could be going for a walk with your family, making up a dance , going on a bike ride, jumping on your trampoline, doing an online workout like Joe Wicks or doing 30 star jumps in your kitchen!

Use the chart below to record your exercise each day ( or just write it on a piece of paper if you do not have a printer) and send it in . If you would like to share  a photo during the week ,send it in too and I can post it on the blog for others to be inspired to try your idea !

I can't wait to see who can be an exercise superstar!

Mrs Harriott

Weekly Exercise Goals Chart (25 Sheets Per Pad) with Stickers ...

Half term wellbeing challenge

Date: 25th May 2020 @ 10:58am

Hello and happy half term!

I'm not going to be posting a daily challenge for you over half term but here is something you can do  if you like. It's a funny time right now and it's one we may want to look back on in the future to remind oursleves what we did, how we felt and how lucky we are when it's all over. So I've attached a time capsule template for you use so that you can record some of these things, either by writing or drawing it's up to you.

You can either print it out, do it on a computer or just draw our each page for yourself. Do as much or as little as you chooe and feel free to share anything you do on

Stay safe,

Mrs Glover



Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 10:24am

Good Morning Year 6, 

Can you believe we've made it to half term already? We can't!
Our learning for today is linked here:

I want to take today to celebrate some of the fantastic learning we have seen sent in this week - well done to everyone who has been completing the work on the padlet page or finishing work from their packs.

That's it for today - make sure you have a proper break over half term to have a rest and re-charge!
Miss Kenwell


Wellbeing challenge 22.5.20

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 10:14am

Good morning and happy Friday!

Can you believe we’re coming to the end of another half term? It’s the half term holiday for everyone next week! I’m going to post a challenge for the half term week at the weekend and then I should be back with more challenges from the 1st of June.

Today I’m giving you a fun challenge that has been sent to me by Mrs Ganner which I think is a good way to end Mental Health Week.

We’ve talked a lot in school about resilience and the Power of Yet but I bet you didn’t know that there is actually a Power of Yet dance! So today's challenge is to have a go at the Power of Yet dance. Here are 3 links depending on what your age is, have a go and you can send either photos or videos in of you having a go to There are also some writing tasks that you can download and do on each page if you choose to do so.

5 to 7

7 to 9

9 to 11

Have a lovely half term and stay safe.

Mrs Glover

Past Challenges

As always, thank you so much to everyone who has sent me pictures of your wellbeing challenges. I've been sent a few more fantastic origami hearts and a couple of amazing poems. Here they are!



The Boy at the Back of the class-Links to Every Chapter

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 9:55am

Here are all of the links to every chapter from the book.You may have missed some or you might just want to start at the beginning again. I just thought it was a good idea to have all the links to each chapter in one place. All the links will have the questions too so you can see any you may have missed. 

The Boy at the Back of the Class Blog Links


The Boy at the Back of the Class Chapter 26

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 9:43am

Good morning year 6. Isn't it crazy to think we would have finished SATs and be breaking up for summer half term today!

What's more crazy is that we are on our final chapter of our story today and in this chapter you will find out something that will blow your mind. I can't believe the author left this information until the very end.

I hope you have enjoyed following this story and do not worry we have another new book lined up ready for after half term. 

I would like you to write 3 things about the book you found most interesting? It might be the best or worst part, it could be the happiest or saddest moment or something you thought was funny or exciting. 



Date: 21st May 2020 @ 10:53am

Good morning Year 6!

I hope you managed to make the most of the sunshine yesterday, fingers crossed we'll get some more this week.  What kind things have you managed to get up to this week? 

Today's learning is all linked here:

Well done for those of you who are accessing Education City - it's a great way to practise your skills.

Don't forget to have a look at Miss Thornton's Haunted House story - you get to decide what happens next!

That's it for today - stay safe and don't forget to be kind.
Miss Kenwell

Wellbeing challenge 21.5.20

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 10:14am

Good morning, I hope you all found some way to enjoy the sunshine yesterday. I sent a lot of time in my garden and I have to admit even though I applied plenty of sun cream, I’m still a little pink! I hope you were all more careful than me.

We’re almost at the end of the week and today is the last kindness based challenge as I have something a little different for tomorrow.

I hope that you have been experiencing some acts of kindness this week as today my challenge is to write a kindness acrostic poem. This is where you use each letter of the word you choose to start a sentence or word.

I’ve attached a file that has a few different kindness words to use for your poem so you can choose one or choose more than one you like! As always if you can’t print then don’t worry, you can write it out on a piece of paper or even type it on a computer like I have.

I have chosen the word caring. Here is my poem.

Cooking for other people

Asking people how they are

Returning peoples phone calls and messages

Interest in what friends and family are up to

Niceness goes a long way!

Going the extra mile for those you love

As always please e-mail your poems to

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

I'm very impressed with all the origami hearts you've all been making, some of you even made both hearts like I did! Here they are along with some other past challenges.



‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370