Year 4AK: Blog items

Viking Life!

Date: 28th Jun 2024 @ 10:42am

In our history lesson, we embarked on an exciting exploration of Viking life. Each group delved into a specific aspect of Viking society, researching and presenting on topics such as the structure of Viking society, the role of women, the design of their houses, the roles of various people, and the laws that governed them.

The childrenalso learned how to evaluate primary and secondary sources, enhancing their critical thinking skills and deepening their understanding of historical research. This hands-on approach not only enriched their knowledge of Viking culture but also developed their teamwork and presentation skills. It was a fantastic opportunity to present to the class and share their discoveries with enthusiasm and creativity.

Have a look at the attached pictures and have a lovely weekend! 

Great Science Share!

Date: 14th Jun 2024 @ 9:42am

On Tuesday a group of Year 3 and 4 children attended an event called the 'Great Science Share' at the University of Salford. It was an opportunity for 34 school's around Greater Manchester to gather and share their science investigations to each other. Each school had a stall which they used to share their investigation to the visitiors walking around the hall. We also got an opportunity to go and visit the other schools' stalls to listen and learn about their science investigations. The Lord Mayor of Salford attended as well as some professors from the University of Salford and Manchester who were going around the stalls quizzing the children about their investigations. 

Ferdows and Ayaan in Year 4 even got chosen to cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony of the event! It such an amazing opportunity for the children who were in awe of the actual building! I am hoping to attend this event each year! 

Enjoy looking at the photographs and video! 

Mrs Iqbal 

Caterpillar to Butterfly

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 3:37pm

For our Science topic this term 'Living things and their habitats' the children have grouped living things, classified a vertebrate, classified invertebrates, created classification keys recognised positive and negative changes in the local environment and researched endangered species. Throughout this time,  the caterpillars have slowly turned into butterflies that we have released in the school garden. Have a look at the attached pictures! 

Have a good rest over the holidays but don't forget to practice your times tables for the upcoming MTC. 


Caterpillar to chrysalis

Date: 17th May 2024 @ 8:02am

What a week filled with transformation. Our caterpillars are in the midst of their transformation and have become chrysalises! Hopefully next week, there will be an even greater transformation...check in next week. Have a look at the pictures to see the changes so far. 


Exploring Castleton!

Date: 8th May 2024 @ 4:47pm

We spent the day exploring how Castleton is different from Clayton. We conducted a traffic survey and completed a field sketch of Castleton! Have a look at the attached pictures. 

Week 3- 4AK

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 1:00pm

This week in Science we went on a vertebrate hunt in school in order to create a classification key. We found lots of millipedes, centipedes and worms. We were also lucky enough to see the premier league trophy!  Have a look at the attached pictures.


Caterpillar critters!

Date: 3rd May 2024 @ 7:26am

As part of our science learning this half term, which is about living things and their habitats, we have had some Caterpillars arrive in each year 4 class. Watch closely over the next couple of weeks to see their glorious transformation!

4AK Art- Helen Musselwhite’s paper cutting.

Date: 23rd Apr 2024 @ 1:31pm

For our Art this week, we analysed pictures of Castleton and identified features of the landscape and how it is different
from Clayton. We then developed our skills in cutting and attaching in order to create balanced freestanding sculptures.
we developed  awareness of composition within a 3D context and thought about pattern to create our Castleton Composition. Have a look at the attached pictures of our fantastic models. 


LKS2 Easter Celebrations

Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 1:41pm

What fantastic entries we had as part of our Easter competition. Year 3 and 4 made some fantastic entries, and everybody's efforts deserve recognition. As a prize for entering the competition, every entry will recieve a chocolate lolly. Other prizes have been given for the most independent, and best use of every day materials.

Have a look at the entries on the attached document - you'll be amazed!

Electrical Circuits!

Date: 22nd Mar 2024 @ 3:30pm

In Science this week, we had lots of fun trying different electrical components, see attached pictures! 

Our main Scientific question was does it matter where we place the switch in a simple electrical circuit? 

We learnt that it doesn't matter where in the circuit you put the switch - the effect is the same. The bulb glows because electricity flows through the thin wire inside the bulb called a filament and makes it hot! 

Homework has been sent home, please complete and return by the 28th March. 

Have a lovely weekend. 




Science week & Red nose day!

Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 3:50pm

We have had a brilliant science week, 4AK's favourite part was making slime, have a look at the attached pictures. 

For red nose day, we created our own unique red noses for the school councillors to judge on Monday, have a look at a few fantastic entries. 

Have a good weekend! 


4AK World Book day!

Date: 8th Mar 2024 @ 1:02pm

We have had a fantastic morning making puppet characters, reading our favourite stories with parents and reading with Reception. 

Have a look at the attached pictures and have a wondeful weekend! 




Sketchbook Splendor!

Date: 1st Mar 2024 @ 1:22pm

4AK have had a wonderful first week back in school full of learning!

We are so proud of our Sketchbooks so far, have a look at the attached pictures. 

Homework has been sent home, please make sure it is completed and returned by Friday 8th March. Continue to read at home and practice your times tables. 

Have a lovely Weekend! 



'The great wave'-Paolo Terdich

Date: 16th Feb 2024 @ 1:16pm


4AK have had a fantastic learning journey in Spring 1, they are all so proud of their work and achievements. We've been working with Miss Mcaffer this week on some water inspired artwork. We took inspiration last week from 'The Great Wave'. This week, we were inspired by an artist named Paolo Terdich to create some oil pastel artwork and some sketching. Have a look at a few of the amazing pieces that we created. 

Holiday homework and the spring 2 overview have been sent out today. Please continue to read and practice your times tables. 

Have a great holiday! 

Spring- week 4 4AK

Date: 26th Jan 2024 @ 1:27pm

Hello, we have had another busy week in 4AK! 

We started off the week with trip to see the River Medlock to carry out our local river study. We then located the features of a river on a map and created a field sketch of the river. See the attached pictures!

In maths we continued to plot co-ordinates on a grid and create our own ploygons and oblong shapes on a grid. In English we have been looking at Kenning poems ready to write our own on Monday and continue to enjoy our class text ' The waterhorse'. In Science,we investigated how temperature affects evaporation and set up an experiment that we will observe for 14 days. We will then show our observations using a line graph. We continued with our sketchbooks practicing our new skill of 'see three shapes'. The children first drew an outline of their object, then added shadow and form for the final sketch. See attatched pictures. 

Homework has been sent out- please complete and return by the 2nd February. 

Have a lovely weekend! 


Spring- Week 3 4AK

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 8:28am

Hello, we have had a busy snowy week this week!

In Geography,  we continued to observe and measure rainful using our rain gauges. The highest measurement was 9.5cm of rain so far! we will contine to observe next week. Some children also shared their brilliant school council manifestos to the class before we went to the polling station in school and voted for our new class/school councillor. Have a look at the attached pictures! 

Homework is being sent out today, please complete and return by Friday 26th January. 

Please make sure your child is practicing their times tables and reading every day. 

Have a great weekend! 





Week 2 in 4AK!

Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 8:25am

Hello, we have been super busy in 4AK this week!

We created our art sketchbooks and sharpened our continuous line drawing and backwards/forwards drawing skills. See the attached pictures, we are so proud!

In maths, we have been multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. In science we have been learning about the particles in a solid, liquid and gas. We also made a rain gauge in Geography and we can't wait to observe and see the results over the next 2 weeks. Have a look at the attached picture of our rain gauge in the school garden. 

Homework has been sent out today, so please return it by next Friday. 

Have a great weekend! 




Y4 visit to St Cross Church

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 2:02pm

What a busy week! We have visited St Cross today (Friday 24th November 2023), where we met Father Chris who taught us a lot about Christianity. This is a part of our RE learning about What it means to be a Christian in Britain today. 

Mrs Hughes received an email from Father Chris saying how utterly utterly delightful Y4 were. Mrs Hughes was very proud. Please see some of the pictures below. Because of this lovely comment, we have managed to earn some extra golden time...

Autumn 2 Week 1

Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 1:46pm

This week, we have begun our new CC geography unit about California. As part of this unit, we will learn lots about our planet. This week we discovered that there are four main layers to the Earth. The crust, which is the layer we live on, is the thinnest layer, then we have the mantle, then the outer core and finally the inner core. The inner core is around 5000-6000 degrees celsius hot. 

As part of our CC learning, we have begun to read a new core text called I survived the San Francisco earthquake 1906 which contains fictional characters, but it is based around real events.  This week have written similes and methaphors as well as using a range of sentence starters. 

In in our science lesson, we have begun to learn about the digestive system, which is how food travel in, around and out of the body. 

Next week we will be visiting a Hindu Temple on Thursday. Please return your letter if you have not brought it yet. 

Our assembly today was presented by two firefighters who told us all about their work and how we can keep safe around bonfires.

Homework has been sent home today, and spellings/timestables will be tested next Friday. 


4AK freestyle football

Date: 13th Oct 2023 @ 12:47pm

What a fantastic time year 4 have had with Rabaz. Rabaz taught the children some fantastic football skills and tricks! Have a look at some of the pictures!   

Week 5 in 4AK

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 4:06pm

We have had a brilliant week in 4AK! 

We have been super scientists this week, exploring the effects of tooth decay. We are conducting an observation over time to look at the effects of different liquids on eggshells. The reason we are doing this is because egg shells are similar to the enemael of our teeth. So far, we have observed the shells for two days. In those two days, we have seen that the orange juice seems to have had the greatest effect on the egg shells, the surface of the shells see, to have began to bubble, and the colour has changed a lot. We will continue to observe this next week and we will share our results next week. In swimming, we have all grown in confidence and learnt to float on our back and stomachs this week! 

We finished off our week with making frienship bracelets in golden time! 

Homowork has been sent out and next week we will be focussing on 5x and 10x tables, remember to practice! 

Have a great weekend!


Week 4 in 4AK

Date: 29th Sep 2023 @ 4:18pm

What another exciting week in year 4! 

In maths, we used our knowledge of place value to help us partition and represent numbers to 1000 using gattegno charts, place value columns and lots of other representations, next week we will be focusing on numbers to 10,000. In Science, we continued to explore teeth and how we can avoid tooth decay! We have also learnt about the features of a non chronological report in English  and planned our own on the Acient Maya. We can also name classroom objects in Spanish and can talk about how Diwali is celebrated!

'Can we go swimming every day?'- The children are really enjoying swimmimg and are growing more and more confident each week!

Homework is being sent home today (Friday 29th), there will be spellings, times-tables and maths work to practise. Please return your homework by Friday 6th of October. Spellings and timestables will be tested then. Also, please make sure you read every night and sign the reading record so we can be the best readers!

Week 3 in 4AK!

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 1:09pm

What an exciting week this has been! 


In P.E in our gymnastics lesson we practiced our forward roll, it was challenging! We had a fantastic swimming lesson where we were taught how to get into the pool safely and some of us even went into the 2m pool!

We continued our science unit on teeth, learning all about the structure of teeth. We used our key vocabulary root, crown, enamel, dentine and pulp to label a diagram of a tooth. We also learnt about what type of teeth a carnivore, herbivore and omnivore have. We know that carnivores have long sharp canines to tear their prey! 

This week, we also delved deeper into the world of Ancient Maya, describing their society and their jobs. We learnt that priests were the most important part of society and they were bought gifts and other maya would work for them for free!

In maths, we have mastered using column subtraction and addition with more than one exchange and can solve worded problems.  In English, we practised our retrieval and inference skills, and showed off our skills using speech, fronted adverbials and  expanded noun phrases to write our own Maya myth!

In Music we played lots of singing games and learnt how to control the tempo of a musical instrument in our new maya song. After our spanish lesson we now know our numbers 0-10 in Spanish!

Next week, we have PE on Monday so we'll need to wear the correct kit, and we continue swimming on Wednesday.

Check back next week for more information!



Wellbeing challenge check in

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 9:18am

Good morning!

How did day 1 of our exercise challenge go ? Here's one of our exercise superstars playing basketball.

Well done to you if you also did some exercise !

If yesterday didn't quite happen for you, that's ok . Today is your day ! Let me know how you get on: 

Mrs Harriott

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370