Wednesday 22nd April

Date: 22nd Apr 2020 @ 8:46am

Good morning Year 5, another sunny day! I'm a little bleary eyed this morning as Asaph woke up BEFORE 6am - I think the bright sunlight is making him wake up earlier! I'm not complaining though, I would much rather this weather than rain. We're having a go at growing some vegetables in our garden, so we're having to water them every day because it's so sunny - another little job for today! What are you going to get up to? Remember to check back in with this blog post to see the activities we put on for you today and email to show us what you've been doing!


Hello from Mrs Hodges!

Two activities from me today - let's start with our Sentence of the Day, the final one linked to the YouTube link I posted on Monday about exercising on the International Space Station.

I'd love to see your corrected sentence before I post my purple pen later on!

The second activity is a writing and vocabulary focus based around a photo called "The Wilderness". There's a story starter for you to read, with some question prompts to help you build a story around the photo. The part I'd especially like to you focus on is the Sentence Challenge, where you need to underline any words you don't know the meaning of in the story starter given to you, look them up (or search on an online dictionary, this is a good one: and then use that word in a new sentence that's based on the photo.

I've attached the file to this blog, I can't wait to see the sentences you create!

There's a couple more activities attached to that photo - if you're feeling extra keen and would like to do those too, that would be fabulous!

Good afternoon! How did you get on with today's sentence? Click the link below to see my purple pen!


Hello from Miss Wendt!

I did the exact opposite to Mrs Hodges today and I had a lie-in! I usually get up very early but for some reason today, I slept until 8 o'clock! I feel very rested now, and ready to give you a challenge!

I thought we'd try something different today, so I have chosen a 'find all possibilities' style question. Remember, this means there will be more than one answer or maybe different methods to solve the problem. 

I wonder who can email me the most solutions?

I'll be back later with an example of an answer!

How did you all do?

Here are a few examples of the numbers I found. 

10,000 and 6535

12,000 and 8535

I decided to use my knowledge of the inverse to subtract the difference (3465) from a 5-digit number. Did anyone have a different method?


Good Morning from Miss Brookes!

I think I must be entirely different to Mrs Hodges and Miss Wendt...firstly, I really want it to rain! I just love the sound of rain when you can stay cosy indoors. Secondly, I got up at 9am today and I'm still yawning! 

Well done to the nine children who have taken part in the reading challenge so far. Keep up the brilliant work!

Today's GVP video is all about modal verbs. No pictures of Merlin today I'm afraid (he was being very camera shy!) But I'm sure you'll enjoy it none-the-less.

Can you order the 10 modal verbs to show which ones mean you are 'definitely' going to do a task? 

I hope you have a fabulous Wednesday and enjoy the sunshine (even if I want it to rain - Sorry Mrs Hodges!) 


Files to Download

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370