Thursday's maths

Date: 13th May 2020 @ 11:18pm

Hello everybody,

It has been lovely to see photographs of the children's learning and we are very grateful for all the parents who have taken the time to send photographs in to celebrate their child's work.It is really important that you continue to learn at home so that learning is easier when you come back to school. Try your very hardest to focus and concentrate and remember it is ok if you find learning hard some days as long as you 'have a go' and try your best.

We hope you are all ok and are ready for more learning today. Today we are going to focus on using the bar model strategy to solve subtracttion problems.

Click on this link to watch how to use this method to solve word problems

We hope you understand how to use this method. Now have a go at the following challenges.

Challenge 1

Read the problems. Write the subtraction sentence and draw the bar model to solve the problem.

1. There were 7 snakes under the log and 5 slithered away. How many snales are under the log?

2. There are 9 birds in the tree and 4 flew away. How many birds are on the tree?

3. There are 6 biscuits in the box and the children ate 2. How many biscuits are left?

4. There are 8 cakes in the tin and 3 are taken away to sell at the school fair. How many cakes were left in the tin?

5. There were 3 flowers in the garden and all the flowers were picked by the children. How many were left?

Challenge 2- Subtraction from 10

Read the problems. Write the subtraction sentence and draw the bar model to solve the problem. 

1. 10 oranges on the tree and 4 were picked by the children. How many were left?

2. There were 10 cars in the garage and 2 cars drove away. How many were left?

3. There were 10 paintbrushes in the pot and 1 was used to paint a picture. How many were left?

4. 10 books on the book shelf and 7 were removed ready to read the following day. How many were left?

5.There were 10 carrots in the field and the naughty rabbit ate 5. How many are left?

Challenge 3

Write the subtaction and addition sentence to match the bar model and then solve the problem

1.                                                         10


10-9=                                    9+ ------= 10


2.                                                          10


3.                                                          10


4.                                                          10



5.                                                             10



Happy subtraction!

Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370