Monday's maths

Date: 18th May 2020 @ 9:37am


We hope you had a fantastic weekend and are ready for some more maths learning today!

Today we are going to focus on Measures with a focus on comparing then measuring the height of an object.

When we compare the height of objects we use the words short, shortest, shorter, tallest, taller, taller than and shorter than.

Watch the following links to see how you can use this vocabulary to compare objects.

Now you have a good understanding of how to compare objects according to their height see if you can complete the following challenges

Challenge 1

Complete the worksheet challenge at the bottom of the page- comparing the height of objects.

Challenge 2

Find 3 different objects in your house or garden. Put the objects in height order, starting with the shortest.

Then say and write the following sentences.

The ------------------------- is the shortest.

The -------------------------is the tallest.

----------------- is shorter than ....................... but taller than........................... taller than ...........................but shorter than ................................

Now watch the BBC bitesize and watch their daily teaching lesson on comparing and measuring the height of objects.

Now lets have a look at using non standard measures such as are hands, feet, cubes, pencils to measure the height of objects. Watch the link to see how we can do this.

Now that you feel happy to measure the height of objects complete the challenges below.

Challenge 3

Complete the measuring the height of objects sheet at the bottom of the page.

Challenge 4

Find 5 objects in the house or garden. Use your hands, feet to measure the height of them.


Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

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Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370