I've got a mission for you...

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 11:05am

Good Morning Everybody!

Hope you all had a fantastic Easter and had a teeny tiny bit of chocolate? Anyway, it's so lovely to see all of your pictures and work that you have sent in to the email and to the school Twitter account. Just want to shout out especially to Ben who looks like he's had a brilliant time making his very own Roman shield! How amazing!!!

I would love you to have a go at making your own. I have included below a picture/outline of a Roman shield. Your mission is to decorate your very own Roman shield. You can present it however you like, you might want to print out the outline below, draw it yourself or make it out of materials like Ben. Either way you decide, send your finished Roman shields to y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk and I will be able to display them on the blog and the Twitter page. I will be looking out for those people who have put lots of effort into their shield and can't wait to see them all! You have until Friday 1st May to get them sent in to the email. Get crafting!


Sentence of the day!

Here is the sentence of the day. Send your completed sentences back to y3homelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk - I will post the correct sentence tomorrow morning so look out to see if you are correct. 

before the day ended_ the girls and boys did one last treshure hunt and found lots of choclet eggs and treats. they spoke with there adults about the meaning of easter_

Errors in green:

-Before needs a capital letter as it is the beginning of the sentence

-There needs to be a comma after ended as it shows our fronted adverbial for time

-Full stop is needed at the end of the sentence

5 unmarked errors - Good luck!!


Fluent in 5 - Focus on column method

1. 342 + 112 (column method)                                       

2. 788 – 221 (column method)

3. 463 + 259 (column method with carrying)                  

4. 936 – 357 (column method with carrying)


TT Rockstars Challenge!

Finally, the last challenge I have for you this week is to do with TT Rockstars. You all were given your logins in your home learning packs. My challenge for you this week is to see if you can go up a level in your TT Rockstars. Remember, you want to end up as a Rock Hero! Keep practicing! I can see Fisayomi is 7th out of everybody in the school!!!! That is amazing Fisayomi, keep it up! Can anybody catch her? 


That's all for today everybody. Can't wait to see what you've all been doing. Enjoy the sunshine too. 

Speak soon.

Miss Humphreys :)

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
