Welcome Back!

Dear Parents/carers,

Welcome back to all of you and a special welcome to all of our new families. I hope you all enjoyed the summer break and are looking forward to the new school year ahead.  It has been a strange and uncertain time for all of us and it will take some time to get used to the new procedures and routines which have been put in place to keep the Ravensbury community safe.


It was lovely to have all of our children back in school last Thursday, we have missed them! They looked so smart in their uniforms and ready to take on the challenges of the new school year. We recognise that in order to be successful in school, children need support both from home and school, now more than ever and we know a strong partnership with you will make a great difference in your child’s education. As partners, we share the responsibility for your children’s success and we want you to know that we will do our very best to ensure that they achieve their full potential. The coronavirus pandemic has meant that we won’t be able to do all of the usual things for the time being such as meet your child’ new teacher, coffee and cake with the Headteacher, meet to discuss the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and sports day. Hopefully it won’t be too long before we can invite you all back onto the school premises. Thank you for your patience.


In spite of all the challenges covid-19 has presented us with, staff have been very busy over the holidays preparing for the new academic year, determined to make the classrooms the vibrant and exciting places they normally are. We have also made improvements to the outside of the school building and I think you’ll agree that the new outdoor sinks look amazing.


Please keep checking our website, Twitter and new Facebook page for the latest information


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I know that we can count on your continued support.





Mrs Hughes




‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
