RSR: Blog items

Naughty lemur!

Date: 10th Jul 2024 @ 3:48pm

After starting our new book How To Lose a Lemur, we got a new friend in class: a lemur! Our lemur is going on a new journey soon to the year 1 classrooms and he has been feeling a bit worried. We have written some letters to make him feel better and we are now working on planning a lemur party for him.

While we have been party planning, the lemur has been doing naughty things when the classroom is empty. He has been on Miss K's whiteboard, hanging from the ceiling, making a mess in the reading area, and writing notes to us. To catch him in the act, Miss K planted some secret cameras and caught the lemur in the act of stealing our party invitations to read! Check out the video below. 

Where will the lemur be tomorrow? We don't know!


New creative corner!

Date: 25th Jun 2024 @ 4:18pm

We have some exciting news in Reception: a new creative corner! The creative corner is for making different kinds of creations and art using junk modelling materials. It has been filled up with pom poms, glitter, glue and tape, ribbons, paint, googly eyes, split pins, and more. We even added some cool books that explain the steps to making different creations, like a toilet roll shark or a big princess castle! We have been loving it so far and are so excited to see what else we can make! Check out some of our cool creations below.

Bring your own book!

Date: 7th Jun 2024 @ 3:38pm

We have been pleasantly surprised in Reception this week with some very special stories! Some friends had the brilliant idea to bring in some of their favourite books from home to share with the class. What started as one book being brought in each day has quickly turned into three books brought in to read on Friday! It is great to see everyone excited to share their books from home. Looking forward to seeing some more soon!


Save the bees!

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 11:38am

To finish off our focus text The Extraordinary Gardener, we learned all about the importance of bees for planting beautiful flowers and plants. Bees are very important because they pollinate the plants. Without them, we wouldn't have any plants! 

To spread our important message, we made lots of posters that tell people how they can help to save the bees. Then we put our posters up around school for everyone to see and so that they can learn about how important bees are!



Van Gogh Sunflowers

Date: 20th May 2024 @ 7:47am

For our CC this week, we learned about the Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh and his famous painting of sunflowers. We discussed the different parts of a sunflower and where they get their name from: because they look like the sun! Then we completed a guided drawing of our own sunflowers and coloured them in with oil pastels. Now we are working on making an art display of our creations!

Goodbye Painted Lady Butterflies!

Date: 10th May 2024 @ 2:54pm

Over the last 3 weeks in Reception, we have been carefully watching our tiny black caterpillars get bigger and bigger! Last week they each made a cocoon. They hung at the top of their pot and we could see them wiggling. This week, each cocoon opened up and beautiful painted lady butterflies flew out!

They each had 2 wings that were white, orange and black. They had long antennae on their head and six legs on their bodies. They were very quiet friends to have in our classroom! They liked to fly around in their new home. We fed the butterflies sugary water called nectar. 

Why don't you have a look when you are outside this weekend and see if you can spot any of our butterflies having an adventure near you? 

Planting fun!

Date: 2nd May 2024 @ 3:50pm

Reception have finished our unit on minibeasts so we took our CC time to start learning about our new focus topic: gardening! We learned about the stages of plant growth and what a plant needs to grow to be healthy. To top it all off, we planted some cress seeds to grow ourselves! The planters will be placed in the sun and watered twice a week. Hopefully we have some cress soon!



Minibeast Takeover!

Date: 19th Apr 2024 @ 2:25pm

After a restful Easter break, Reception have come back ready to learn all about our new topic: minibeasts! We have been practicing describing what minibeasts look like and used our new knowledge to do many fun activities. We went on a minibeast hunt with our checklists and created an observational drawing. Lots of fun and many more minibeast adventures to come!

Reptile Visit

Date: 27th Mar 2024 @ 4:06pm

Reception had a visit from Crocodile Joe on Monday! He brought various animals for us to touch and learn about, including snakes, lizards, and a tarantula. We even got to take a piece of snake skin back to keep in our classroom. It was the perfect way to cap off our unit on eggs! 


Busy, Busy, Busy in Reception!

Date: 15th Mar 2024 @ 11:24am

Reception have had a very busy week! We celebrated science week with a fun and messy workshop by Sublime Science. We got to make slime and even take it home! We ended our science work celebrations by learning about the seasons of the year and creating our own seasons wheel to show what we learned. 

We also enjoyed our CC learning where we explored the works of Andy Warhol. We used stencils and colours to create our own pop art with paint and crayons. 

It was busy, busy, busy, but lots of FUN!

World Book Day in Reception!

Date: 9th Mar 2024 @ 3:12pm

Reception have had a jam-packed World Book Day! We all wore amazing costumes, welcomed our grown-ups in to make a whale puppet (from our favourite book, A Storm Whale in Winter) and read some books, and had a visit from the year 4 classes for some more reading. Lots of fun and excitement all day!

Pancake Day Celebrations!

Date: 14th Feb 2024 @ 3:34pm

On Monday and Tuesday, we celebrated Pancake Day! We read the book Mr Wolf's Pancakes, wrote shopping lists, read our recipe, and designed our own special pancake. To top it all off, we made pancakes on Tuesday and ordered toppings from the Toppings Cafe with Numicon payment. Our class loves pancakes! Yummy!

Reception is a Team!

Date: 8th Feb 2024 @ 2:31pm

For RE this week, we talked about what it means to be a good team. Some ideas we came up with were: helping others, being friends, using nice words, and saying sorry. In line with Mental Health Awareness Day on Friday, we made a new banner to celebrate our good teamwork!


Thematic Kites

Date: 2nd Feb 2024 @ 3:36pm

We started a new book this week in reception titled "Somebody Swallowed Stanley" about a plastic bag that is left in the ocean and swallowed by various sea creatures. At the end of the story, the plastic bag is reused by a kind boy into a kite. We made our very own Stanley kites like the boy in the story and took them outside to give them a try!



Trip to Sea Life Aquarium

Date: 24th Jan 2024 @ 4:19pm

This week Reception took a trip to the Sea Life Aquarium to explore under the sea! We saw many animals including stingrays, starfish, sharks, turtles, and some very interesting fish species. All complete with a short workshop where we got to draw our own aquariums. 



Snow Day in Reception

Date: 19th Jan 2024 @ 1:57pm

We spent Tuesday morning playing in the freshly fallen snow outside! Lots of snowballs, snow angels, and snowmen to be had. 


Kandinsky Inspired Art in Reception

Date: 12th Jan 2024 @ 1:52pm

This week in our connecting curriculum program, we took a look at warm and cool colours and how they match with the seasons of the year. With a focus on cool colours for winter, we created some Kandinsky inspired artwork. Check out the beauitful results below!



Hello, Noi!

Date: 8th Jan 2024 @ 8:17am

Hello Reception!

We are going to be meeting a new character this week, his name is Noi. Noi has lost his friend... Do you know who his fried might be? He is big and he can swim. 

Can you write who you think Noi's friend could be?

Diwali Celebrations!

Date: 17th Nov 2023 @ 2:44pm

In Reception, we have been learning about different types of celebrations. This week has been a very special week as we have been celebrating: Diwali!

First we listened to the story of Rama and Sita. We learned that Diwali is a festival of lights! 

Next, we made cards for our grown ups. We decorated them with rangoli patterns. We even designed our own mehndi patterns! 

Finally we learned how to perform special dances for Diwali. 

It has been such a fun week! Why don't you ask me all about Diwali at home? 



Date: 2nd Nov 2023 @ 2:10pm

Today in Reception, we have been exploring different ways of making fireworks. Which is your favourite?

Rosies Birthday

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 1:55pm

This half term we have been learning all about special celebrations 🎉 

The children have been learning about big world celebrations as well as celebrations that we celebrate just with our friends and friends at home.

This week the children have been preparing to celebrate Rosie, our home corner baby's, birthday. They have been counting down the days on our calendar, making party hats, party menus and shopping lists and decorating our classroom.

Today we finally ended the countdown and celebrated Rosies birthday. We sang, danced, played games and had a great time.

Big red combine harvester

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 1:44pm

This week the children have been learning all about harvest. They learned about the different fruit and vegetables that will be harvested at this time of year and even learned a song about the combine harvester that the farmers use to harvest their crops.

The children made their own harvest fruit and vegetable crowns and worked together to make an amazing red combine harvester.

What are we learning about next half term?

Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 9:37am

We have had a great time learning lots of new things this half term. We are so proud of the children and how much they have grown in the past 7 weeks. 

Here is our overview for next half term so you can see everything that we are about to learn about.

Football with Rabaz

Date: 15th Oct 2023 @ 5:26pm

On Wednesday Rabaz came to visit us in reception! He performed his amazing tricks and the children were amazed!

Everyone had a go at performing a trick on the stage. We can see lots of football trick super stars in the making! 

Picasso art

Date: 6th Oct 2023 @ 1:33pm

This week we have been learning all about the artist Picasso. 
we went to our very own Picasso art gallery and thought about what we could see and how Picasso's art made us feel.

"it was funny because they had lots of eyes."

"I can see shapes."

"it's colourful."

"it made me laugh and smile."

"I like it!"

We decided to take inspiration from Picasso and create our very own Picasso pictures. The children made some amazing art and then on challenge Friday they decided to use different media to create even more Picasso pictures. 

Take a look at our pictures, we think we are all artists in the making!

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370