RCW: Blog items

Tuesday 2nd June Writing

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:11am

Good Morning Reception,

Here are the answer’s to yesterday’s ‘Sentence of the Day…’

I have hurt my head with a ball.


Today’s sentence of the day is…

tthe small dog had loots of fuur on his bacc.


Yesterday we started a new story called ’10 Little Pirates.’ In this book we saw 10 pirates doing lots of different things. Listen to the story again by clicking on the video at the bottom of this blog. Answer these questions about the story with a grown up:

What were the 10 pirates hunting?

What went zap when the pirates were searching for their pirate mate?

What happened to the ship when the waves went crash?

Who went chomp to a pirate?

Who said ‘coo-ee!’?

Three little pirates were wondering what to do on the barrels. If you were one of the pirates, what would you do?


Look at this picture from the story. What can you see…? Write some captions or sentences about the picture.

Remember to send in your photos/videos to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

June 2nd - #30DaysWild - Whole School Challenge 2 🐛🌲☀️🕷🐾

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:09am

Hello again,

Just a reminder - This month our school is going WILD! Here’s today’s challenge


I found this challenge on the free 30 Days Wild app.

Today why not look for signs of new life when you go out for a walk. I saw some ducklings at our local pond over the weekend (see short video) and look closely at the photo. What baby can you see? What is this baby animal called?


Send your photos in to nurseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk and I'll put them up on our school blog. 

PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 

We have some fabulous photos below, just in from Alissia and Keira. Great bug spotting!

Tuesday 2nd June Phonics

Date: 2nd Jun 2020 @ 8:03am

Good Morning Reception,

Let’s start our phonics today by getting physical with Jack Hartman and the phonics workout. Click on the video at the bottom of the blog. 


We will continue to think about the sound ‘ur.’ How many words can you read in a minute…? Don’t let the alien words trick you out!!!

Watch the ‘show me’ video where I am showing you how to write words using the ‘ur’ sound.


Here are today’s practise and apply activities, which one will you choose?

Activity 1 – How many words can you think of with the ‘ur’ sound?  


Activity 2 – What is the correct spelling?


Activity 3 – Play Buried Treasure on Phonics Play. Click on the 'ur' sound. 



Activity 4 – Create a ‘ur’ poster using words that you have read.


Remember to send in your photos/videos to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Wellbeing challenge 1.6.20

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 10:51am

Hello and welcome back to the start of our final half term of this school year !

As you know, Mrs Glover has been setting us wellbeing challenges to keep us feeling positive and productive over the last few months. It has been fantastic to look back at all the photos you have sent her showing your creative work!

For the next few weeks, Mrs Glover is lucky enough to be going into school each day to teach as we  start opening up the school to certain year groups, so I'll be setting your wellbeing challenge.

So, here's your challenge for this week:

Can you set yourself an exercise goal for the week and try and do a different  exercise each day? It could be going for a walk with your family, making up a dance , going on a bike ride, jumping on your trampoline, doing an online workout like Joe Wicks or doing 30 star jumps in your kitchen!

Use the chart below to record your exercise each day ( or just write it on a piece of paper if you do not have a printer) and send it in to:Ealhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk . If you would like to share  a photo during the week ,send it in too and I can post it on the blog for others to be inspired to try your idea !

I can't wait to see who can be an exercise superstar!

Mrs Harriott

Weekly Exercise Goals Chart (25 Sheets Per Pad) with Stickers ...

Monday 1st June - Maths

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 9:01am

Good Morning Reception!

I hope you have all had a lovely break and have made the most of the fantastic sunny weather! How did you spend your break? I would love to hear all about what you got up to in the holidays! J

Let’s warm back into our maths learning by beginning with a fluent-in-five – you should all be experts at these now!!

This term in Reception, we are going to be learning all about PIRATES!
I thought it would be a great idea to use pirates to help us in our maths learning today, I have even included an exciting pirate song to listen to below! Take a look!

This morning in our maths learning, we are going to practise our addition skills by adding together pirate items and writing the calculation down as a number sentence.

You can begin by choosing one of the items below!


See if you can draw one of the items and see how many you can make! Count out each one at a time, adding one more as you count.

Ask your adult at home to write you a calculation – Can you work this out by using your pirate items? Now can you write your own number sentence? Take a look at the example calculations below… Can you work them out?

Below I have attached a link to even more pirate addition calculations if you would like an extra challenge! Don’t forget to email in pictures of your work or to tell us about your learning at receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk! We can’t wait to hear from you! J



#30 Days Wild Launch Day ☀️🌲🐾🕷🐛

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 8:18am

June 1st - #30DaysWild - Challenge 1

Hello everybody,

I hope you had an amazing half term and you’re as excited to be back completing home learning challenges as I am. This month our school is going to go WILD! Yes, that’s right, our mission is to do as many wild things as we can and have fun whilst learning outside. 


Each day I will put up a wild challenge and you can take a photo of you and your family completing it so I can put it on this blog. 

Here is your challenge for today, see how many wild minibeasts you can find outside:

Send your photos in to nurseryhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk and I'll put them up on our school blog. 

If you'd like to choose your own challenges download this app:

PLEASE BE CAREFUL and make sure you complete the challenges with an adult. 


From Mrs Ganner 


Monday 1st June Reading

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 8:16am

Good Morning Reception,

This half term to begin our Reading and Writing blogs we will be doing something called ‘sentence of the day.’ Each day I will be posting a sentence that has some mistakes. Your job will be to look at my sentence very carefully and write it again but correct my mistakes. The mistakes are in a different colour to help you.

Here is today’s ‘Sentence of the Day…’

i have hert my head wiv a ball?


Today we are going to start a new story/topic. I wonder what it is going to be about…? Listen to the story by clicking on the video at the bottom of the blog.


Yes, we are going to start learning about PIRATES!!! Aaaaaarrrrr!!!!

In the story we met 10 little pirates. Talk to your grown up and answer this question…

What do you know about pirates? Can you draw some pictures and label them…? Use the mat below to help you.

Remember to send in your photos/videos to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Monday 1st June Phonics

Date: 1st Jun 2020 @ 8:05am

Good Morning Reception,

I hope you have all had a relaxing half term holiday and are ready to continue with your home learning. It’s a strange way to start the final half term of the year but let’s see what happens over the next few weeks.


We are going to continue to learn Phase 3 sounds and begin to learn the Phase 4 tricky words.

Start by singing along to a new tricky word song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NOzgR1ANc4

At the beginning of the video, I am reading 4 of the tricky words from Phase 4. Can you watch the video and read them? Practise writing the tricky words on some paper. 


Our new sound today is ‘ur.’ Look at the pictures and words on the poster, which ones can you read?

This half term, each time we learn a new sound I will be posting a video to help you. Watch today’s video at the bottom of the blog.


Here are today’s practise and apply activities, which one will you choose?

Activity 1 – Label each picture with the ‘ur’ word.


Activity 2 – Find the ‘ur’ words in the wordsearch.


Activity 3 – Treasure hunt in the garden or room in your house. Write ‘ur’ words from the video on scraps of paper and hide them. Find a word and read it. Can you write the word on a piece of paper?


Activity 4 – Put some of the ‘ur’ words from the video into some super sentences.


Remember to send in your photos/videos to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Half term wellbeing challenge

Date: 25th May 2020 @ 11:00am

Hello and happy half term!

I'm not going to be posting a daily challenge for you over half term but here is something you can do  if you like. It's a funny time right now and it's one we may want to look back on in the future to remind oursleves what we did, how we felt and how lucky we are when it's all over. So I've attached a time capsule template for you use so that you can record some of these things, either by writing or drawing it's up to you.

You can either print it out, do it on a computer or just draw our each page for yourself. Do as much or as little as you chooe and feel free to share anything you do on EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Stay safe,

Mrs Glover

Eid Mubarak!

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 12:36pm

To all our families who will be celebrating Eid this weekend...

We hope you have a lovely time but remember to keep safe!!!

Love From

Nursery and Reception Staff x

RAI Superstars

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 12:27pm

This week I have received some amazing photos and videos of children in RAI doing their home learning.

Well Done everyone!!!smiley

Next week is half term and no new activities will be posted until Monday 1st June. 

I hope you all rest up and have a lovely time. I'm looking forward to the half term because I'll be celebrating Eid and my birthday on Monday.

Take care and Stay Safe!

Love Mrs Iqbal



Wellbeing challenge 22.5.20

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 10:15am

Good morning and happy Friday!

Can you believe we’re coming to the end of another half term? It’s the half term holiday for everyone next week! I’m going to post a challenge for the half term week at the weekend and then I should be back with more challenges from the 1st of June.

Today I’m giving you a fun challenge that has been sent to me by Mrs Ganner which I think is a good way to end Mental Health Week.

We’ve talked a lot in school about resilience and the Power of Yet but I bet you didn’t know that there is actually a Power of Yet dance! So today's challenge is to have a go at the Power of Yet dance. Here are 3 links depending on what your age is, have a go and you can send either photos or videos in of you having a go to EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchster.sch.uk. There are also some writing tasks that you can download and do on each page if you choose to do so.

5 to 7 https://imoves.com/home-learning/1535

7 to 9 https://imoves.com/home-learning/1536

9 to 11 https://imoves.com/home-learning/1537

Have a lovely half term and stay safe.

Mrs Glover

Past Challenges

As always, thank you so much to everyone who has sent me pictures of your wellbeing challenges. I've been sent a few more fantastic origami hearts and a couple of amazing poems. Here they are!


Friday Challenge!!!

Date: 22nd May 2020 @ 7:43am

Good Morning Reception!

Wow we can’t believe it’s the Friday before half term!!! Where has this half term of home learning gone!!!

Even though we have been at home doing our learning, it has gone really fast!!! I can't wait for the holiday (Mrs Iqbal) this time because I'll be celebrating Eid and my birthday on Monday! Anyway back to the Friday challenge...

This term we were looking at minibeasts and read these stories…

Today we would like you to show us which story has been your favourite story in a creative way. Here are some ideas to help you…

Draw or paint a picture from the story.

Make a model using recycled containers or boxes showing a character from the story.

Write a retell of your favourite story and make it into a book. Use the book template attached to the blog if you want to. 

Make some masks, finger puppets, or stick puppets to retell the story. Make a video and send it to us. Minibeast mask templates are attached to the blog. 

Pick one of the animals from the story you like and find some facts about it. Make an information book about that animal. A book template is attached to the blog. 

Create a wordsearch with words from your favourite story. Decorate the wordsearch with pictures of animals from the story. The wordsearch template is attached to the blog. 

Create a poster showing your favourite story. Don't add the title of the story but maybe just use pictures of the characters and some interesting words from the story. You could use some words that are repeated a lot like 'spinning her web.' from the The Very Busy Spider.  


We can’t wait to see what you decide to do! Let’s see if we can guess which story/book has been your favourite…


Good Luck

Mrs Iqbal and Miss Williams

Send photos/videos to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk  

Wellbeing challenge 21.5.20

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 10:15am

Good morning, I hope you all found some way to enjoy the sunshine yesterday. I sent a lot of time in my garden and I have to admit even though I applied plenty of sun cream, I’m still a little pink! I hope you were all more careful than me.

We’re almost at the end of the week and today is the last kindness based challenge as I have something a little different for tomorrow.

I hope that you have been experiencing some acts of kindness this week as today my challenge is to write a kindness acrostic poem. This is where you use each letter of the word you choose to start a sentence or word.

I’ve attached a file that has a few different kindness words to use for your poem so you can choose one or choose more than one you like! As always if you can’t print then don’t worry, you can write it out on a piece of paper or even type it on a computer like I have.

I have chosen the word caring. Here is my poem.

Cooking for other people

Asking people how they are

Returning peoples phone calls and messages

Interest in what friends and family are up to

Niceness goes a long way!

Going the extra mile for those you love

As always please e-mail your poems to EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

I'm very impressed with all the origami hearts you've all been making, some of you even made both hearts like I did! Here they are along with some other past challenges.



Observing Snails

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 7:57am

Good Morning Reception!

Who would like to take part in a science experiment this morning?

Today we are going to be observing snails – a bit like the one from our story!

First, you need to make a snail home!
You can use any container with air holes as we are only going to be watching the snails for a couple of days, then you can release them back into your gardens!

After you have selected a container, use some soil/natural earth from outside to put in a layer at the base of the container/jar – fully covering the glass or plastic.

Add a layer of natural material at the top of the soil, like moss, compost etc. This traps moisture inside the soil, which creates good conditions for snails!

You could also decorate your snail’s home! Put objects in the container that snails can hide in or climb onto, which will make them more comfortable and more interesting to watch! You might find some of this material in your garden i.e small sticks or branches!

Finally, you need to find snails to put in your container! Look for snails in muddy garden area, old plant pots or other moist places (perfect with the wet weather today!)

Don’t forget – Garden snails are almost always safe to handle, but you must wash your hands before or after touching them!!


You can take care of your snails by, keeping the container moist with a spray bottle whenever the material at the base starts to dry out. You can also lightly spray the snails every day or two! Feed your snails clean food daily! They love fresh fruit and vegetables!



Below I have posted two links to support this activity:

The first link outlines another set of instructions on ‘How to Make a Snailery!’ if you would like to follow this experiment instead.

The second link is ‘My Snail Book!’ I thought it would be a lovely idea to document this process when observing your garden snails! Each page is filled with a fun activity linked to this investigation! See pictures below...



I hope you enjoy this investigation!! I can’t wait to see pictures of your snail friends! J

Thursday 21st May - Maths

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 7:57am

Good Morning Reception!

Who is ready for some maths learning today?

Let’s begin with Thursday’s fluent-in-five!


This week in our maths blogs, we have been learning about how our numbers can be represented when using ‘tens frames.’ We have also used tens frames to help us with our addition and subtraction skills!

Take a look at the pictures below to see pictures of the tens frames that were created following yesterday’s blog post! Well done to these reception superstars! J I love all of your creative ideas!

In our maths blog today, I have attached some activities linked to our tens frame learning this week! The first activities I have posted are number representation matching tasks 1-5 and 11-20! You first have to trace the number to form it correctly, and then match the correct tens frame representation to the numeral! See an example of one below!









The second task is an ‘Exploring Number Bonds to ten’ activity.  Children have to first choose a number sentence and create a corresponding ten-frame using cubes, counters or any other small item! There are three attachments for this activity below,  the tens frame template, number sentences and counter cut outs! You can either choose to print these, or make your own!


Have fun! J


Thursday 21st May Writing

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 7:06am

Good Morning Reception!!

For the past two weeks we have been using the Julia Donaldson story ‘The Snail and the Whale.’ I want to read you the story, click my video at the bottom of the blog. Whilst you are listening to the story think about what your favourite part of the story has been.

Talk to your grown up or someone in your house about your favourite part of the story. Was it the beginning, middle or end? Remember to share your ideas in sentences.

Today I would like you to write and draw about your favourite part of the story. You can use this sheet attached to the blog or just do the work on a piece of paper.

Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Thursday 21st May Phonics

Date: 21st May 2020 @ 7:00am

Good Morning Reception!!

To start the phonics activity, I would like you to test yourself and see how many sounds and tricky words you know by playing the games below:

Flashcards Speed Trials – click on pick individual graphemes and choose all sounds in Phase 2 and the ones we have learnt in Phase 3 up to ‘or.’



Tricky word trucks – click on pick individual words and choose all Phase 2 and 3. Why not have a go at Phase 4 tricky words…



Today we are going to practise the sound from yesterday ‘or.’  Sing along with the song at the bottom of the blog all about ‘or.’


Can you read these ‘or’ alien words? Get your grown up to time you…

Today’s practise and apply activities are:

Activity 1 – Target game. Print and cut out the words attached to this blog or write them on scraps of paper. Spread the words out in a space inside or outside of your house. Choose a ‘beanbag.’ It could be a pebble, soft toy, or anything small that you will be able to throw safely. Throw your ‘beanbag’ on a word and read it.  


Activity 2 – Play 'or' roll and read.


Activity 3 – Make a ‘or’ work poster. Use the words you have learnt and put them into a colourful poster.   


Activity 4 – Use four of the ‘or’ words from any of the activities above and write some super sentences.  


Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Wellbeing challenge 20.5.20

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 9:54am

Good morning,

Wow what a day! The weather forecast suggests it could get as hot as 26 degrees today! I can’t wait to get out there and enjoy it although I’ll definitely be putting on some sun cream!

Today’s activity is linked to kindness again and involves making a little present for either someone else or yourself. Today‘s challenge is to make an origami heart.

To start with you will need a square piece of paper and it will be easier to follow the instructions if it is decorated or coloured on one side.

Here is a YouTube video telling you how to make a square from an A4 piece of paper.


Then you have a choice of making 2 different hearts, one flat and one 3D. I made both and prefer the flat one and found it a bit easier but it’s up to you which you do.

Here is how to make the flat heart (my first picture) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnV262Egucw

Here is how to make the 3D inflatable heart (my second picture) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CN4oPm9bCWE (then at the end you have to blow it up using the little hole at the bottom)

I can’t wait to see your hearts! Remember to e-mail them to EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Mrs Glover

Past challenges

I've really enjoyed reading about all your kind acts in your hearts from yesterday and I love how some of you are mentioning clap for carers in your kind acts for others! Here are the ones I've been sent:

Wednesday 20th May - Maths

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 8:52am

Good Morning Reception!

Happy Wednesday – we are half-way through the week! J

Let’s begin our maths learning with a fluent-in-five!

This week in our maths blogs, we have been learning about how our numbers can be represented by using ‘tens frames.’ We can also use tens frames to help us with our addition and subtraction skills!

This morning I have posted a catchy ‘Tens Frame’ song at the bottom of this blog! Not only is it a great song, but it also tells us about a ‘counting on’ activity to play when using tens frames!

Today I have adapted this activity for you to take part in at home…we are going to be making our own tens frame! You could use different resources to make this, for example egg boxes, paper, lollipop sticks. To fill your tens frame, you could make your own counters if you do not have any at home or you could use any small objects instead! Your choice! Take a look at the different tens frames below…


The Activity:

Once you have made your tens frame, ask an adult at home to think of a number for you to count items into the tens frame. E.g If your adult says ‘3’, you have to put 3 items into your tens frame. Don’t forget the number you are beginning with!!

Then, you must cover your eyes or turn away!!

Your adult is going to either add or take away items from the tens frame and give you a clue to help you work out how many items you have now– without peeping!! E.g Child to cover eyes, adult to say… ‘I have added one more item, how many items are in the tens frame now?’

See if you can work it out without looking! Once you’ve had a go – uncover your eyes and see if you were correct! Then you can have a turn at testing your adult at home!! How fun! J

I’ve also added the link to the interactive tens frame if you would like some extra tens frame learning! J https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Ten-Frame/


I can’t wait to see pictures of your own tens frames! Enjoy!


Wednesday 20th May Phonics

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 8:25am

Good Morning Reception!!

I can’t believe it’s the middle of the week already!! Where is this week going...? Let’s start our phonics activity with a phonics workout. Click on the video at the bottom of this blog.

Today we are going to learn a new sound called ‘or.’ Watch the show me video to learn all about this sound.



Can you read these ‘or’ words? Get your grown up to time you…

Today’s practise and apply activities are:

Activity 1 – Can you add the sound buttons on the words and read them? If you have forgotten how to add sound buttons watch the show me video again.  


Activity 2 – Find the ‘or’ words in the wordsearch.  


Activity 3 – Choose the correct ‘or’ word for each sentence.  


Activity 4 – Read the ‘or’ words on the balloons and pop them.


Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to… receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk


Wednesday 20th May Reading

Date: 20th May 2020 @ 8:17am

Good Morning Reception!!

In our story ‘The Snail and the Whale’ they were two main characters: the snail and the whale. Today we will be learning about the kinds of animals snails and slugs are. 


First, look at this picture of a snail and slug. What do you think you already know…? What can you see? Where do you think they live? What do you think they eat?  

Today I would like you to read the facts about snails and slugs with a grown up. What have you learnt about these minibeasts…?

Write three facts that you have learnt on the sheet attached to the blog or on a piece of paper.


Don’t forget to send in your photos/work to receptionhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Wellbeing challenge 19.5.20

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 10:26am

Good morning,

I hope everyone is well and taking good care of their mental health this week. We are still looking at kindness today and how important kindness is to keep everyone happy and healthy. Today's challenge will hopefully help everyone to see that kindness is all around us and I bet there are things that others do for us (and that we do for others!) that we barely even think about.

Today we're going to draw a kindness heart.

First of all draw a large heart on a piece of paper. Then on the left hand side write all the things that people do for you that are kind, all in different colours. Then on the right hand side write all the kind things that you do for others in different colours. If you can't think of many then maybe have a think of things that you could do. The acts of kindness could be as simple as just smiling at someone or saying good morning.

Here is mine if you would like to steal some ideas!

If you would like to share your kindness hearts then as always please feel free to e-mail me on EALhomelearning@ravensbury.manchester.sch.uk

Past challenges

Thanks to Mrs Iqbal who sent me her kind acts for the week!

Well done to the children that are still sending in their mask designs as well as their kindsness acts (one here has even made his mum a cup of tea and some biscuits!)

Eggcarton Snail Craft

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 7:20am

Good Morning Reception!

Who is feeling arty today?
Today we are going to be making a fun craft linked to 'The Snail and the Whale' story!


You will be creating the adventurous snail!

How adorable are these little snail friends!

You will need:

An old/recycled egg carton box

Paint/felt tips

Pipe Cleaners

Googly Eyes



The googly eyes on these egg carton snails are hilarious! You will have lots of fun using different colours to paint their shells J I can’t wait to see your fantastic creations!


Tuesday 19th May - Maths

Date: 19th May 2020 @ 7:17am

Good Morning Reception!

Are you ready for your maths learning today?

Here is a fluent-in-five for you to begin with! How quickly can you answer these calculations below?? Can you work them out with your adult at home and see you if you can beat their time??

Yesterday in our maths blog, we were looking at how our numbers can be represented through using ‘tens frames.’ We were looking at how to answer addition questions using tens frames to help us! Please refer to yesteday’s Maths blog if you did not see it!

Today we are going to be using tens frame to help us to...

Recognise our numbers being shown in different ways

Help us with early addition skills

Here is a link to the interactive tens frame we were using yesterday, you can have a go at these activities to begin with! https://www.nctm.org/Classroom-Resources/Illuminations/Interactives/Ten-Frame/

Below I have posted links to some different activities when working out with tens frame:

The first activity is a ‘tens frame matching game!’ You have to look closely at the tens frame and work out the correct number of counters in them. There may be some other numbers there to trick you – see if you can work out which numeral matches the tens frame correctly!

How many counters are in this ten frame? What would the correct answer be?

The second activity is a ‘number bonds to ten’ activity. You have to carefully count the orange counters in the tens frame and work out how many more counters you need to add to work out the total answer. There is a number sentence underneath, you need to fill in the empty box which represents the blue counters!

Can you count the orange counters? Can you count the blue counters? Can you add on from 5 to work out how many there are all together? Fill in your answer in the empty box!


Have fun! J









‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370
