Wednesday 1st April

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 8:32am

Good morning everyone - a new month begins today! I don't know about you, but March seemed to last a really long time, such a lot has happened! I always love April because it's the first month I really feel Winter has gone and Spring has finally properly arrived...although I've just hung the washing outside and it's very chilly! I'm hoping warmer weather is on its way!

Today, Livvi and Asaph are going to be doing some Maths and some Science - Livvi is learning all about the skeleton and how muscles work. Have you got any interesting facts you remember from your Year 3 learning that you could email me to share with her? Perhaps I'll take a photo of what she's done later and share it with you! Remember you can email over your learning on our Year 5 email:

Miss Wendt and I are loving hearing from you and seeing what you're getting up to. We miss you all!


Mrs Hodges here!

Right everyone, are you ready for today's Sentence of the Day, linked to the video of Chris Hadfield showing us how they sleep on the International Space Station? Click on the link below!

See you later for the corrected sentence!

How did you get on with today's sentence? Did I catch you out with the possessive apostrophe today?! Click the link below to see my corrected sentence:

Also, Livvi made a model of the bicep and tricep muscles in the arm - she wanted to show you what she had made, click the video below to see! Can you email Miss Wendt and I a video of what you've been up to?


Miss Wendt here!

Like Mrs Hodges said, I think April is one of my favourite months too - and not just because it's my birthday! I always feel that April means the start of warmer weather and that summer is on its way. Hopefully things will warm up soon so we can all enjoy being in the garden and getting some fresh air.

Have a look at the fractions questions below - remember to email us with examples of your work, or just to say hi!

I'll be back later with some science!

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370