Thursday Maths - Doubling

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 8:26am

Good Morning Reception.

Today in our maths learning, we are going to be focusing on DOUBLING.

We haven’t introduced doubling in class yet and it is a little bit of a tricky concept!!

Lets begin by clicking on the links below to listen to some doubling songs and videos!

Double means ‘twice as many.’ When we double a number, we add the same number to itself e.g 1 + 1 = 2.

You can work this out in many different ways, using different resources at home to help you!


You could make a ‘doubling machine’ using an old cereal box/shoe box and two used kitchen roll tubes! Jazz it up with some paint and cut out an insert at the bottom! Once you have made your doubling machine, you could use pom-poms or balls to go into the tubes! For example, if you place one pom-pom in the first tube, double it by placing another pom-pom in the second.. at the bottom of your doubling machine, you should be left with your doubled pom-poms! How many do you have altogether now? Ta-da you have worked out a double!


Double ladybirds and butterflies by using paint and half a folded piece of paper! Make an outline of a ladybird/butterfly and paint on some spots! Fold the paper together and you should have doubled your spots! How many do you have now?


Use a mirror to support your working out of doubles by placing a number of items in front of your mirror! When you look in the mirror… you should have twice as many items! Can you double your items this way?


Whilst you are completing these activities, remember to say your double as you create/build them e.g 2 add 2 equals 4.


Have fun and don’t forget to send in some pictures of the doubles you have made to! I can’t wait to see them!

Below I have also attached links for some extra doubling worksheets and challenges!




Files to Download

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Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370