Story Adventure House on Haunted Hill Part 14

Date: 5th Jun 2020 @ 10:33am

Good morning year 6. I have been wondering what today's weather will be like! One minute it is sunny and the next it looks like it is about to pour down with rain. 

At least the wind isn't howling like in our story adventure...

Yesterday we were back at the front of the house and you had to decide whether to ring the doorbell or use the door knocker. 

Well Maddison got in there first and suggested we ring the doorbell so here goes...

You press the doorbell and nothing happens, no sound. You shrug to yourself, what you expected really. The bitter wind whips around the corner and you press the doorbell again. This time you hear a creak and then a low whistle.

Suddenly the floor beneath you gives way and you plummet down a tunnel. Your stomach lurches terribly as you drop like a stone. You glance up and see that there was a trapdoor hidden under the weedy growths surrounding the door.

After a few seconds you slide into a small dark room with a thud. You get up and dust yourself down. With a sickening feeling you search the room for a door, there isn’t one. You try the tunnel you slid down but it is far too slippery. Looks like you are stuck here forever!

Oh no! I was not expecting that! 

I love the word 'plummeted' as it gives the impression of quickly falling into the unknown. 

Should we see what happens if we use the door knocker instead?

Here goes...

You raise the wolf’s head and let the knocker drop, your hand is shaking slightly and you notice that despite the cold, you are sweating.

A moment passes and then the door swings open, creaking and howling like a wolf.

You peer inside the gloomy hallway and decide that you have come this far, time to enter.

The hallway is dim but the bright moonlight offers enough visibility. Thick cobwebs hang everywhere and the house is cold, really cold. You see a door to your right, a large dusty mirror to your left and a large spiral staircase. Do you:

Open the door 

Climb the stairs    

Examine the mirror

I think we should either open the door or examine the mirror-what do you think we should do?

‘We create, We explore,

We care, We soar’


Ravensbury Community School

Tartan StreetClayton M11 4EG

Maureen Hughes | Headteacher

Jo Wendt | SENCO

0161 223 0370