Monday's maths

Date: 4th May 2020 @ 9:49am


Well I am very pleased to say it is a sunny Monday morning. I don't know about you but I woke up really early today because the sun was shining brightly through my window. I hope it says sunny all day because it always makes me feel happy and ready for learning. Before you start your maths today I want you to do some counting exercises. Let's get out brains working this morning!

Counting exercises

1. Star jumps- count forwards from 0-50

2. Hopping- count forwards in steps of 2 from 0-30

3. Jumping with 2 feet together-  counting forwards from 0 to 100 in steps of 10

4 Balancing on 1 leg- count backwards from 30 to 0

5. Body twists- count backwards from 100 to 0 in steps of 10


Today I want you to write the long date. Make sure you underline it with a ruler! Then I want you to have a go at drawing a number lime from 0-30. See if you can copy this. if you have a printer you can print one out from the file at the bottom of the page labelled number line.

Today we are going to use a number line to solve addition word problems. Remeber when we add amounts together the number gets bigger and we move fo the right on a number line. 

Read this problem below

Miss wolfenden buys 10 apples from Tesco. She then drives to Morrisons and buys 6 more apples. How many apples does she have altogether?

Click this link to have a look at how to work it out

Now have a go at solving these word problems

1.Miss Riley buys 5 packs of felt tips from the supermarket. She then goes into school and finds 7 more packs . How many does she have altogether?

2. Mrs Hughes buys 12 oranges for the children in  breakfast club. Mrs Thewlis buys 7 more oranges and brings them into breakfast club. How many oranges are there altogether. There are 20 children in breakfast club. Have they bought enough oranges?

 3. Madeleine found 8 lollypops in the cupboard. She then went to the shops and bought 6 more. How many did she have altogether? She then shared them out equally between her and her friend. How many lollypops did they each have?

4. There are 14 cakes in the cake tin and Callum put 8 more in the tin. How many are there altoghether?  

5. There are 7 birds singing in the trees. 10 more birds land on the branch. How many birds are there altogether?

6. 16 cars are red, 5 cars are blue, 7 cars are yellow and 14 cars are pink.

How many cars would there be altogether if ........

a- The pink cars and blue cars were together?   b- The red cars and yellow cars were together?

c- The red and the blue cars are together?         d- The yellow and pink cars are together?

e- The red and pink cards are together?             f-  The blue and yellow cars are together?

7. There are 5 children in the swimming pool and 9 more children jump in. How many altogether?

8. 3 people get in a coach and 17 people join them. How many altogether?

9. Buzz lightyear collects 6 toys and puts them into his cart. He then finds Woody, Bo peep, Forky, Ham, Wheezy and Gabby in Als Toy Barn. He puts all the toys in his cart and takes them home. How many toys are in the cart?

10. Faiz builds a tower that is 9 bricks tall. Courteous builds a tower that is 6 bricks tall and Michael builds a tower that is 4 bicks tall. They join all the bricks together to make a really tall tower. How many bricks high is their tower.

Happy counting

Miss Wolfenden and Miss Riley

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